Sunday, August 7, 2011

Logan's Kindergarten Program

May 26 - I thought I had posted this, but I didn't... Logan had a really cute little graduation program to celebrate the end of his Kindergarten year. He was so excited about it for weeks and couldn't wait to show us everything he had learned this year! Sorry for these awful pictures. It was SO hard to get good ones with the awful lighting and how far away we were. Luckily, my friend took some good ones, but most of them are pretty crappy. Logan waving to us as soon as he saw us. That is one of my favorite parts is watching how excited he is to see us! I hope he always likes us that much!
Love this grin he gave us every time we made eye contact - So excited and proud!
Ready to start the show! Doesn't he look like a 1st grader now? I can't believe that kindergarten is over for him!
Logan is one the end, back row in the green shirt. I love how bored he looks while he is waiting for the program to start. Rylee and a couple of her cute little friend had front row seats!
They started off with the Pledge - Logan takes this pretty serious! After the pledge, they say something about being a Knight and being respectful and a few other things. The problem is that Logan thinks that is part of the pledge!
They performed the program with the other afternoon Kindergarten class and sang a bunch of songs. It seemed like they had one from each season or holiday. This song was Logan's favorite! It was a Christmas song about the animals down in Texas and says something about underwear! Nothing like the word UNDERWEAR to make Kindergartners giggle! So cute!Logan also really liked the Dig-a-Dinosaur song they sang and he knew all the words to all the songs so well. He is so funny to watch and always so animated when he does the actions. I wish I would have gotten better pictures, but it is all on video.
After they sang, they played a slide show with pictures of all the kids in both classes. It was cute to hear them all say each other names and see their picture up on the screen. This was Logan's picture.
Next, the other class left and Logan's class was left to perform for us! First, the girls in Logan's class did a hula and then the boys did a dance with poi balls. It was seriously one of the funniest things I have ever seen! The pictures do not even do it justice! Those boys were SO crazy and Logan was SO intense! It was my favorite!
This picture is SO blurry, but I love how much fun you can tell they are having!
Logan working those poi balls
After the fabulous Poi ball dance, the kids partnered up and did the Virginia Reel square dance. It was pretty impressive! They did it all with very little help and knew they parts really well. Their teacher said it was probably more of a 4th grade dance, but they did awesome! It was so cute to watch them bow to their partners and do-si-do and grab hands.
Our cute little cowboy
Logan and his partner, Hallie

After the Virginia Reel, they got to come sit by their parents and wait to be called up on stage.

At the end they got to go up and get a special book Miss Renee made them of all their work. Logan said he would only give Miss Renee a handshake because that is what the other kids were doing. But, then he gave her a HUGE hug! He loved her this year. It was so sweet!
Logan checking out his book. I LOVE that she put this together for him. As a parent, this is the BEST gift ever! Logan and his book after the program
Logan and his teacher - We love her!
Logan and Mommy
Logan and daddyThis was one of Logan's biggest fans! She loves to cheer on her brother. She was a bit of a stinker though and made it hard for mom and dad to watch or take pictures. She is just SO busy these days!!! Luckily, she fell asleep shortly after getting into the car.
And, to celebrate another successful program and getting out of school early, a trip to Aggie Ice Cream! Logan chose Maple Nut. He liked it, but not as much as vanilla which he frequently reminds us is the most popular ice cream flavor in the world and his favorite. Sometimes, he seems like a 50 year old man! Rylee always has to have PINK ice cream!

Poor Avery missed the ice cream because she fell asleep!

Can't believe that Kindergarten is finished! We are so proud of Logan and all he is learning and how much he loves school. We loved watching him perform his program with his school friends - Way to go buddy!

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