Thursday, August 4, 2011

Princess Camp

June 7- 9 - While Logan was at soccer camp, Rylee got to go to a cute little day camp for Princesses and Pirates. I feel like Rylee has a hard time sometimes being in the middle. She isn't as big as Logan and doesn't get to do all the things he does, but she isn't the baby and doesn't get all the attention Avery demands. So, little things like this that make her feel special are so great for her. She had the best time and talked about all her cute little friends she made all week. We all know that this girl LOVES anything Princess, so this camp was perfect for her!
I didn't get a picture on the first day, but here is Rylee on day 2! She wore normal clothes for her first day but insisted on Princess clothes for Day 2 and even wore heels! Silly girl!
For her last day (day 3), Rylee wanted her Belle dress.
Avery always wants to join in the pictures, too. I just liked how Avery is in the chokehold in this picture - It sums up the way these girls are most of the time...
This is when I picked up Rylee after her last day. Her little friend Madi was also in the Princess camp. They had so much fun together! I love how they are holding hands. Too cute!
What cute Princesses!
Rylee LOVED all the fun things they made at her little camp and couldn't wait to show off her treasures each day. She loves doing craft projects and coloring and painting. They made this cute PINK treasure box COVERED in jewels (Does it get more girly than that???). And she also made a little Princess flag, a wand and a PINK crown, also with jewels. She also colored lots of cute pictures. When I was tucking her in the night before the last day, she told me she was so sad because she was going to miss all her friends and her nice teachers. She had a great time and I think this made her even more excited for Preschool!

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