Saturday, July 30, 2011

May Wrap-Up Post...

Here are some of the odds and ends from our month of May...
May 4 - Ry was playing in Avery's room one day and was talking to and playing with all the stuffed animals so cute. She had named them all (rhyming names, of course!) and was so funny! She has a great imagination - And she dressed herself that day...
May 5 - Avery can always manage to find treats and she was so happy with herself for sneaking this cookie! She is our sugar baby for sure!
May 7 - Grandpa Boman came to watch Logan's game and Rylee couldn't wait for him to swing her! He got her going so high!!! It was making me a little nervous at times, but Rylee loved it and so did Grandpa.

How sweet is this?
And Rylee got a ride home in Grandpa's cool car. My kids like to call it Lightning McQueen.
May 8 - My cute little brother Brad turned SIXTEEN!!! Watch out ladies! And all pedestrians...
And Logan thought it would be fun to eat the giant blue sugar bow on Uncle Brad's cake...
May 11 - Avery loves when daddy chases and tickles her! They play so cute together! She is a crazy girl.
May 12 - Logan colored this picture after our Family Home evening lesson on the First Vision. I LOVE it! It is actually still on my fridge. If you know Logan, you know he hates to color and draw very often, so this picture is very impressive for him! And...I never knew they had Palm trees in the Sacred grove! May 12 - Miss Rylee graduated from Joy School and is SO excited for REAL preschool next year! She wanted to start the very next day.

May 15 - The kids were really excited to plant seeds in this little greenhouse Daddy bought. It is our FIRST year having a garden and we are really looking forward to growing some fresh food. Sadly, these little seeds didn't end up doing very well. They were going crazy in the greenhouse thing, but when we transplanted them, most of them ended up getting ripped out by the wind and they didn't survive. So.... it might not be the most productive garden, but we had a good time giving it a try. I love how excited she is! Who would have known planting some seeds would be so entertaining?
May 16 - Avery into another mess! This time it was Logan's leftover cupcakes from his soccer party and they were very GREEN!!!
May 15 - Avery is always asking to sit on the potty. The pulls up her shirt and tries to take off her diaper and says "pot" over and over until you let her sit there. She has yet to actually GO in the potty but she loves to sit on it and to wipe and throw LOTS of toilet paper in the toilet. She really likes to wipe Rylee, which doesn't go over well...

May 15 - Avery really likes to dress herself, but this look didn't work out so well for her...

May 19 - Avery chowing down some yummy chocolate pudding! This is one of her new favorite treats.
May 21 - Avery loves to hide! On this day, she scared me to death when I came into the bathroom for something and turned around and saw her little eyes looking at me from the tub! She was thrilled with herself!
May 26 - Logan after his Kindergarten program with his awesome book Ms Renee made for him. He had a great Kindergarten year! I can't believe it is over!
May 26 - Logan's school had a special Medieval night celebration for the end of school. The kids were so excited to go and they had a great time! The lines to do the activities were just about as long as some of the lines at Disneyland, but they didn't seem to mind too much. Luckily, they didn't notice all the things we skipped! I think Avery's favorite part was the lovely BLUE ice cream!
Luckily, this cone kept her pretty occupied in the stroller for most of the night because it was a little crazy!
Logan liked the ice cream, too... And so did Rylee...
One of the activities with no line was making a sword! This was one of the kids' very favorite things. They loved doing this!
I love that Logan wrote "Flameing Sword" on his
Once they made their swords, they got knighted (or Princessed if that is even a word...) and they got a crown. They were supposed to do all the other activites first and earn a sticker at each station to be knighted, but because the lines were so long, they didn't make them, which was great because I think we would have had some tears if they weren't able to be knighted! Rylee's turn
Logan in the stocks
One of the stations was falconry and the kids got to see and touch some birds.
Rylee working the catapult. This was a favorite with the kids for sure! I was a little worried that it was going to launch Rylee, too, but she stayed on the ground!
Logan and his buddy Carter in the jail with their swords.
May 27 - Darren had to do some work on his computers at work and needed our friend's help, so I watched all the kids. The kids played for awhile, but it got pretty late and all the kids were getting sleepy so we had a movie night and the kids looked so cute with all their blankies and pillows. They loved it and were so mad when the daddies got home! Cute buddies - Logan let Carter borrow his Buffalo, which is a pretty big deal!
May 28 - Our yearly trip to the cemetary to see where my Grandpa is buried. It was a little cold that day, but we had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa Boman
This girl was all over the cemetary! She is a little bit crazy these days!
After the cemetary, we stopped at Cafe Rio with Grandma and Grandpa and the boys for lunch. Avery LOVES her Cafe Rio black beans! She was looking fabulous by the time we were done!
May 29 - Just a little photo shoot of Miss Avery who is 20 months in these pictures. I can't believe how big she is! This dress is the one she wore to my sister's wedding and I think this was about the last time she could squeeze into it, so I decided to take some pictures.
Oh, that pouty face....

Yeah.... Maybe now I can finally get some summer pictures posted! We have been having a great time and doing lots of fun things!

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