Sunday, August 31, 2008

Seven Peaks!

Last weekend we spent a day at Seven Peaks with the whole Webber clan - That includes 31 of us with nieces, and nephews and everyone, plus Cory's guest made 32, and one on the way! (not mine...Kim's!) We had a great time! The night before Darren and Logan went on a Father-Son camp out with the our ward. They had a great time! Logan loved camping and playing in the dirt. He is all boy! He loved roasting marshmallows and throwing rocks and did great sleeping in the tent. He was very excited to go in the tent and go to bed and kept asking Darren when it was time. (that is odd for Logan to want to go to bed!) We are hoping to make a family camping trip since he did so well! I sent the camera with Darren, but the only pics he took were him and Logan going to sleep - He probably realized that he didn't take any pictures and he would be in trouble if he had nothing to show for it, so he took a few.

Rylee and I had a fun night also - We went to dinner with our friends Summer and Sky, which was a little crazy with the two little girls, but fun! Thanks again Summer! Then we went down and spent the night at my parent's and did some shopping with my mom, which is always fun! That put our departure a little behind schedule, but we got to Seven Peaks a little after 11. Logan was SO excited to see all of his cousins and had a great time! We changed into our suits and had lunch. The hot dogs for the kids were HUGE! They were so long but the kids ate them all. They must have been starving! (You can see photos of the hot dogs in the slide show!) We finally got our tubes rented and life jackets and told the kids that we were heading to the Lazy River and Logan started crying! He REALLY didn't want to go! We drug him anyway, but he and Rylee both cried the whole time, so we ended up heading back to the cabana. (Darren's parents rent the family our own cabana and that makes the day much more pleasant!) The kids seemed to enjoy spending time there more than the water - They loved jumping on all the tubes and climbing in and out of them and Rylee loved all the food - She ate so much fruit! Logan fell asleep for a little bit, so we took Rylee on a slide. We picked one that was pretty fast and I think she was a little worried about slides the rest of the day!
Logan - Our little Muscle man! This is his latest camera pose!
Rylee sitting in her tube!
Cute kids playing in the tubes!
Logan taking a nap - Isn't he the sweetest!
While Logan was sleeping, me and Darren went on this sweet slide! It looked like a giant half pipe and was pretty scary! It was really fun! When Logan woke up, he was in a better mood and he and Rylee had much more fun in the water. We had a great time playing with Madi and Raegan in the wave pool! The kids were so funny! I wish I could have got some pictures, but there was a poop accident in the pool and they had to evacuate! They were laughing and playing in the waves and it was so cute! We spent some time in the kiddie pool and finally convinced Logan to try some water slides. We had a bit of a wait and the slide had this big tube that would fill up with water and then shoot it all out and push you down. These little girls were counting down "3,2,1 Blast Off!" and Logan and Rylee thought it was so funny! Soon, they were both saying it and Rylee would say it every time she jumped in the pool. Her little "Blast Off" was SO cute! Rylee was a little weary of the water at first, but by the end of the day, she was playing in the water and saying "splash, splash" and "kick, kick" and putting her face in trying to blow bubbles. Logan was going down all the slides and having a great time - Much better than crying! After a rough start to the day, the kids started having so much fun and didn't want to leave. We had to drag them out of the pool. We planned to leave by 5, but we ended up staying until closing at 8! A lot of our day was spent chatting with the Webber fam in the cabana - They love to sit around and talk and eat!We still had a 2 1/2 hour drive, so it made for a long day, but we still had a lot of fun! We loved visiting with the fam and Logan really got attached to Uncle Cory and Parker. Parker was so cute with Logan in the kiddie pool and then he and Parker were sitting and playing with Parker's watch for the longest time - It was too cute! We grabbed some quick dinner on our way home and got home a little after 11. Whew - What a long day! The good news is that the kids were so tired, they slept the whole way home! Here are the rest of our pictures - I always take too many!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Shakes, Bear Lake, and Birthday Cake!

Darren's birthday was a couple weekends ago and we had a whole weekend of fun! That is how I think birthdays should be - a whole weekend (or week) devoted to the birthday boy or girl. I tried to make Darren's day special, and we had a lot of fun! It started on Thursday. Darren's office found out that it was his birthday and planned a little lunch for him and invited me and the kids, so we brought in a cake and surprised Darren. Well...sort of surprised him! Logan told Darren right before he left for work, "See ya at our office to have some cake!" I guess he is not at a good age to disclose secrets right now! Logan was very excited all day to go pick up the birthday cake and go to Darren's office. The funny thing is the 2 times that we have visited Darren's office, they have had pizza, so I think Logan thinks that Daddy just goes to work to eat pizza! Everyone at the office love the kids and they have fun going in there.Darren and the kids at his officeRylee and her messy cake face!!! Isn't she cute?

Friday was Darren's actual birthday. He had planned to work most of the day, but a lot of his patients for the day fell through so he decided to just take the day off. We have been trying to go up to Bear Lake all summer, so we decided it would be the perfect day to do that. We were very excited to have a fun day up there and take a drive up the canyon. We love living in such a beautiful place, close to so many fun things to do.

Logan was SO excited to give Darren his birthday present so we HAD to do that before we left! Logan was very funny about buying Darren's gift. He insisted that we get Darren a rocket! I have no idea where this came from, but he was very persistent! When we went shopping, he just kept saying that daddy needed a rocket. We were at Michael's and they had these 2 little rockets that you can launch and Logan thought it would be perfect for him and Dad to do together. The funny thing is he kept telling Darren that he got him a rocket for his birthday and Darren just thought he was making up things! It was one surprise that Logan didn't really ruin since Darren didn't believe him. We opened half his presents in the morning and the other half later. In the morning, Darren opened his rockets, some new tennis shoes and a movie.
The kids and D after opening presents

We really loved our drive up the canyon. It is about a 45 minute drive up to the lake and it is so beautiful! We stopped at a lookout on the way up to look at the lake. The kids were sleeping so Darren and I just got out for a bit. Bear Lake has the most beautiful bright blue water - The photo does not do it justice!Rylee slept the whole way up and then some and Logan slept for a good part of the drive so we drove around the Lake for awhile. It is such a fun place!A big reason for our visit was to get some famous Bear Lake raspberry shakes so we went to the cute little drive-in restaurant for some lunch and shakes. They were delicious!!!
While we were driving around the lake, we found a beach that looked like a good place to go. We decided to take the kids and play on the beach for awhile. For some reason, the only thing I remember about the Bear Lake water is that it is cold, so I didn't think the kids would want to get in. We found a place that was a really shallow inlet and the kids were loving it and the water was so warm. We decided to get them in their suits and let them play. I wasn't sure if it would last too long, but they had a great time for about an hour! Logan's favorite was the seashells! He kept saying "There are seashells EVERYWHERE! They are all over the place!" He was picking them up and inspecting them and having a great time. He was also playing like we were all characters from Nemo. Such a funny kid! Rylee loved it all! She was digging in all the sand and mud and splashing in the water. It was great for her because it wasn't deep at all so she could run in the water or sit and it wasn't too deep for her. We also had fun playing in the sand too. Logan liked that he could write in the sand and thought it was neat when I wrote his name. We had a great time and were so tired by the time we were done! We stripped the kids down and got all the sand off and got them in the car and headed home. On the way out, we picked up some fresh Bear Lake raspberries. We had such a great time, we are hoping to make one more trip before the weather gets cold! I took a lot of photos...Here are a few of my favorites and a slide show of the rest! I love these ones of the kids standing on this rock - Logan's latest favorite pose is flexing! What a cute muscle man!

Logan running and splashing in the water
Rylee digging in the sand! She loves to be a mess!

Logan with his name in the sand!
Rylee with her name in the sand
Darren and the kids. I don't know if you can tell, but it says 29 in the sand. That is old Darren turned!
I think this picture is so cute - My favorite part is Rylee cheesing it! She loves to pose! Rylee and DaddyMe and the kids - I had to take this one to prove I was there! I don't think I was in any other pictures.

After we got home, Darren opened the rest of his presents. He got some new clothes and a David Beckham jersey and autobiography. I thought that I would get more of an excited reaction over the jersey since he LOVES David Beckham and is always looking at the jerseys at sport stores, but I'm not sure it was as cool as I thought it would be. I also arranged for my sister to come up and babysit so that Darren and I could go to dinner and a movie. This was also supposed to be a surprise, but Darren somehow figured it out - What a bum! We ate dinner at Chili's and then went to see the Indiana Jones movie. It was pretty good, although the ending was totally bizarre, but fun to have a date night. After the movie, we came home and had cake and ice cream. I had planned to make another cake, but we were gone all day and I didn't want to waste the cake we already had from the day before, so we used the half eaten cake. It looks a little ghetto in the pictures, but it still tasted good!
Blowing out the candles - That is Logan and Rylee's favorite part!
Eating cake!
Rylee and her messy face!
Happy #29 Babe! We hope you had a great day - You deserve it! We all love you! We are so lucky to have such a great husband and dad! You are the best!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ry's Piggys!!!

The big day has finally arrived!!! Rylee's hair is now long enough for pigtails! It has probably been long enough for a while, but I am not really a hair person and haven't attempted it yet. I finally did the other day and thought she looked SO cute, although a little too grown up! I prefer her to look like my baby girl! Her hair is looking a little scraggly lately and is starting to resemble a mullet. I have been doing a little scrunching and using her natural curl, but was told the other day that it looked like a rat's nest, so I figured it was time for something new. It took quite a while to get both elastics in and secure - Rylee is a wiggle worm and wasn't happy about sitting still that long while her hair challenged mother figured things out! I first tried it in front of the mirror, and Rylee was doing OK playing in the water in the sink, but once she noticed what I was doing to her in the mirror, it was over! We moved to in front of the TV and that was more successful! It also helped to have Logan distract her a little - He is a great helper! I snapped a ton of photos, since I wasn't sure it would last long. I was right - It lasted all of about an hour! Good thing we have proof because it takes a LONG time to get them in, so I don't know how often it will happen - Maybe I will get better with practice. Doesn't she look cute though?
Back view - Don't look too closely! I'm still learning! The bows help cover up the mistakes though.

Side view

A front view - I tried and tried to get a cute picture from the front, but the piggys didn't show up too well. I thought this was just a cute picture of Ry though.

Another side view

On Saturday we went to Seven Peaks with Darren's fam and Rylee and I stayed at my mom's the night before (the boys were on a campout). My mom demonstrated piggys for me and did a much more professional job and it only took her a couple minutes - something I aspire too! I guess it helps that she practiced on 3 little girls, although she is quite out of practice since Vanessa is the youngest and now 19! These piggys were so cute and even lasted all day in the water!
Oh...That is how the part should look!
My cute Rylee with her little piggys!
So cute! She loved sitting in these little chairs for pictures - But there was too much going on for her to actually look at me, so this is as good as it gets!