Logan also says some of the most hilarious things! The other day, we were sitting at dinner and I was asking Darren where something was and Logan said, "It fell into my clutches!" Where does he come up with this stuff at 3 years old? He sat down next to my little brother at a family dinner the other day and said, "So, How was your day at work?" It was so cute! He always does this to Darren when he gets home, so I guess he thought everyone must go to work! Funny kid! I am always laughing at Logan and all of his funny comments.Logan is obsessed with cars lately! This is him and my dad "driving" my Dad's new car, which Logan LOVES because it looks like Lightning McQueen! He is always carrying around his little cars toys and quoting lines from the movie as he races them around. He is always lining them up and getting them ready to race. It is pretty funny. We were playing "Cars" the other day, and I was assigned to be his fire truck. I asked Logan if he wanted to play, and he said "I don't have tires. I only have hands and feet - No tires!" I finally convinced him that it would be OK to play with his truck anyway. He also recognizes the Chevy logo for some reason, which is weird because we are not car people! Today I was reading the paper and Logan saw an ad for a dealership and said, "Is that our Rocky Mountain Chevy Dealer?" Sure enough, that is exactly what the ad said!Logan has really been liking playing games on the computer lately with Dad. I found some fun games on the Disney website and Logan has loved it! He also really likes the pbskids.org website and is always asking to get on "Buzz.com" or "SuperWhy.com" or anything .com!
Since we moved to our new house, Logan has decided that he doesn't really need naps, which is a little rough on me! I finally got Logan and Rylee on a similar nap schedule and what do you know - He is done! This is a rare picture of him passed out on the couch! Once or twice a week, no napping catches up to him and he totally crashes! For awhile, I attempted to battle the no nap thing, but it just seemed to make it worse. A few times in the same week, I thought he was asleep upstairs and I was working downstairs and I heard him moving around. I went upstairs to see what I was doing and discovered him in my makeup! The good news is that it only was on his face and not all over the bathroom. The bad news is it was on his face and he seemed to enjoy it! It happened more than once! I think that he just wants to do what I do, just like he wants to shave like Daddy, but still... I don't think it is a great idea to get into makeup! These are a few funny pictures after I was done explaining to him "Makeup is for GIRLS!"
He actually didn't do too bad a job applying makeup... These ones are the lipstick...
Mascara Mess on a different day....
I am blaming this makeup obsession all on my little brother, Bradley. Brad frequently likes to show off his vocabulary. The problem is, he doesn't always know what the words he uses means. He was visiting us in Vegas a couple months ago and Logan was being really crazy and running all over and Brad said, "Logan, you are such a transvestite!" WHAT???? We all stared at him and I freaked a little! Then we asked him if he knew what that meant, and he said, "Yeah...Someone who is really hyper and stuff." Not exactly.... Logan in Uncle Jeff's football pads. He thought these were pretty cool! I had to post something manly after the makeup photos!
Gotta love Summer and Popsicles! This is Logan and 2 of our little neighbors, Dallin and Spencer. They spent a few hours at our house a couple weeks ago and played so good together! It was actually a bit of a break for me because they were all so entertained! We have had a lot of fun with them, but our ward got split on Sunday, and they are now in the other ward! Hopefully, we can still have some playdates because Logan loves playing with them!
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