Saturday, July 5, 2008

Logan's 3rd Birthday!

Last Friday, June 27th, was Logan's 3rd Birthday! I can't believe that he is already so big and growing up so quickly! He is such a sweet and smart little boy and we love him so much. He gives the sweetest hugs - Lately, he loves to sneek up behind us and give us HUGE hugs! We LOVE it! He also gives the cutest little kisses and makes a funny smacking noise that I love. He is definately our entertainer at our house and he keeps us laughing all the time. He says so many funny things and is so smart and picks up on everything around him. Logan is also the BEST big brother. He is so patient with Rylee even though she is not always so kind to him. Logan is starting to recognize his letters and points them out everywhere. He also loves to sing Disney songs or the Backyardigans. He has learned some really sweet dance moves from watching the Backyardigans, too and it is so funny to watch him dance! He also really loves Buzz Lightyear, Lightning McQueen and lots of other Disney Characters and SuperWhy and Word World. He has also discovered computer games and loves to get on PBS or a Buzz Lightyear game on He has started to end everything he says with .com lately. It is pretty funny! On the Buzz Lightyear game, there is a little dialogue at the beginning and Logan can say it word for word! It is pretty amazing - He says, "This is Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. We're glad you're here. The evil emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the the Galatic Alliance is up to no good, so be alert space rangers!" Then, he frequently breaks into his Zurg voice, which is deep and scratchy and goes on some more about Space Rangers. It always makes me laugh! He is such a chatter box! In the car, he talks and talks and talks about everything he sees or quotes movies or books non-stop! He is great company for me and nothing is ever boring with Logan. He is getting into the question stage where he asks about everything, too.

I hope that Logan had a great birthday! We tried so hard to make his day really special because he deserves it. He is such a good little boy (most of the time...) Darren got up in the morning and made Logan his favorite breakfast - pancakes. He even attempted to make him a Buzz Lightyear one! After that, Logan decided that he wanted to go see the movie "Wall-E" so we went to that. It was the first showing so Logan even got a special Wall-E watch, which he thought was pretty cool. Once I put it on him though, he wanted me to "make it work" and when I told him that was all it did, he wasn't too impressed! Wall-E was a really good movie! I didn't know what to expect, but it was the best movie I have seen in awhile and actually almost made me cry a few times. Logan really liked it too and kept asking all these questions really loud in the theater. For lunch, we went to Wendy's, another request from Logan. We even got him a special kid's meal, which I never do and he LOVED getting the special toy and the Frosty! (He is SO funny when he gets a Brain Freeze!!!) After that, Logan wanted to go to "the mountains" so went up the canyon to one of our favorite spots, Spring Hollow. That is actually where Darren and I took our engagement pictures and it is so beautiful. The kids loved it, except they both wanted to jump in the river! We had a good time and then came home and let Logan open his presents. He got some fun things - Books, clothes, some movies, a Cars art thing that does air brushing, and a little kid kareoke thing. His big present was a bike with a Lightning McQueen helmet and pads. He thought that it was pretty cool and wanted to go out for a ride, but he is still trying to figure out the pedals so it didn't last too long. Logan chose chicken nuggets for dinner and then we had a "Buzz and Zurg" cake that Logan requested. It was nothing fancy, but Logan loved it! I think he had a pretty fun day! Logan - We Love you so much and are so happy about what a good boy you are!
Here are some more pictures of Logan's day!

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