Friday, July 11, 2008

Little Mommy

Ever since Rylee was really small, she has LOVED her baby dolls! It is so funny to watch her be a "Little Mommy" to them or anything that even remotely resembles a baby as she frenquently totes around stuffed animals or other things and calls them baby. She even had some papers the other day that she was rocking and calling baby! She got her first Baby doll around six months and always has picked it up and cuddled it to her and carried it all around the house. She also rocks her baby and gives it loves and kisses and even pats her back - It is the sweetest thing! She is such a rough and tumble little girl but is so gentle and nurturing with babies...except when she is poking out their eyes - She LOVES eyes for some reason!
One of Rylee's first words and first signs was "Baby". She does it all the time and identifies any child under 2 as a baby, even though they may be bigger than her. She usually does not JUST say Baby though - She usually says "Ohhh...Baby!" just like an adult making a fuss over a little baby.
Rylee loves taking care of her little dolls - She "feeds" her babies bottles and even shares her binkies, which is a pretty big deal since she is addicted to her binky and rarely gives it up! I thought this picture was so cute of her feeding her doll a bottle. She also likes to take her babies for walks in her stroller or pushes them around in her shopping cart. She is so funny! This is her taking her baby for a walk in her little baby stroller.The best though is her obsession with baby blankies. She loves to wrap her babies up in blankies or anything else she can find. Wherever I do laundry, half of it quickly disappears before I can get it folded because Rylee is hauling it off to wrap up her babies. It is quite a process! She spreads out the blanket (or laundry) on the ground, then slams her baby down (for some reason, she is not usually too gentle about this!) and then attempts to wrap the baby and picks it back up to carry her around. The problem is that she is only 1 and can not wrap the baby very well, so it eventually falls out of the blanket and she starts the process over again. It seems to frustrate her a little and is kind of funny to watch. She can spend a good half hour just working on wrapping up that baby! I love to just sit back and watch her at work! Here are some funny pics as Rylee with her baby dolls!

Doing a double wrap - 2 Babies at once!

I think she is trying to do a diaper change here.

This is a little pair of undies that go under her dress. She was really trying to wrap the baby in them, but they were a little small.... Funny Girl!


Clark Family said...

Rylee is so cute! I bet she's going to love her new baby she got at Disney World.

Alexis said...

Yes, we are SYTYCD fans, and I was seriously miffed that Will got kicked off. I want to know who is voting for Mark.

Anyway. Your little family is just so adorable, and it looks like you guys are having fun up north. I'm excited for you. It's definitely nice to be around family.

Erica said...

Thank the heavens you have a babysitter when you guys have your next baby! Hey, she can even wrap up two kids at once. Maybe you should just have twins!!