Saturday, July 5, 2008

June Highlights

Well..I have not been too good at keeping up with our blog even with our new high speed internet! I have a hard time getting pictures off of our camera for some reason, so it takes me awhile to get stuff posted!!! Anyway - We have been having a lot of fun in our new home in Logan and had a really fun month of June. I can't believe that it is already July and the year is half over. Where does time go? Anyway - Here are a few things we have been doing...
One of our favorite places to hang out is the Willow Park Zoo. If you have been here, you know it is more of a park than a zoo, but my kids love it! Rylee is obsessed with the monkeys and says and signs "Monkey" as soon as we get there and starts her monkey sounds! Logan's favorite thing is to feed the fish and the ducks. He gets so excited every time we visit.

Casting Lessons! We bought Logan a little fishing pole for "Free Fishing Day" up here at the park. We heard it was cancelled on the radio and didn't go, but then heard later that they still held it. We were a little bummed, but I think we will go on a fishing outing soon. Logan loved trying out his Lightning McQueen fishing pole and learning how to cast in our front yard.
Darren received his "Official" Dental License for the state of Utah on June 10th after a lot of waiting! We were really excited to finally have that paper!
My cousin Camille was married in the Logan temple on June 11th. The kids loved the chance to be on the temple grounds. Logan kept singing "I Love to See the Temple". It was a beautiful ceremony and a fun luncheon afterwards and we were so happy to be close enough to be a part of it! It was a June wedding, but we were ALL FREEZING! I'm pretty sure it was warmer on my wedding day, which was in December! Utah has such crazy weather!
Logan at the temple - He loved this fountain and wanted to jump in! The water was SO cold!
The Happy Couple - Brad and Camille
Our Family at the Logan Temple
We also found out that the Willow Park Zoo also does a story time each week. My kids don't pay much attention to the stories, but they love a chance to see an animal at the end. The first week, it was this California King Snake.
Logan really wanted to see the snake, but was terrified to touch it! Rylee on the other hand was all over it and LOVED touching the snake!

Here we at the the Demolition Derby! We had a great time and the Kids LOVED it!!! Especially Logan! It was really fun!

Dad and Logan

Mom and Rylee
Logan dancing to the music!
It was a pretty awesome Demolition Derby! There was a fire and we were sprayed with mud and we saw several mullets! Everything you need for a good Demo Derby!
Logan loved it! He named all the cars names from the Cars movie, like Lightning McQueen, Sally, Ramone, Chick Hicks and the King. He especially loved when all the "Mater" tow trucks came out to get all the broken down cars! He had so much fun and keeps asking when we can go to another Demolition Derby to see the cars crash!
Rylee had fun too. She loves to sit on stairs and benches by herself - It is kind of a weird obsession of hers. I think she feels like a big girl!

We also went to Summerfest here in downtown Logan. It is a really fun little art festival. My sister and her husband came down and went with us and we had lot of fun. We even found a few cool things to buy and bought a Del Parson painting that he signed for us.
The kids loved these funny animal sculptures and had a great time playing around with them! Logan wanted to "talk" to the turtle and Rylee especially loved the huge gorilla. Logan said that the gorilla "had HUGE pecs" and pointed to his chest! Funny kid!

Here is Rylee hanging out at the pool- We spent a day at Darren's parent's house swimming and playing. They also took us to the movie, Kung Fu Panda, which is really cute. It was a little intense at times, and Logan got a little nervous, but he really liked it. Grandpa taught Logan to give a Thumbs up and say "Made in the Shade!" He says it all the time now and thinks he is so funny!
Logan and Grandpa Webber
Darren's good friend Jesse and his wife Christina treated us to a Real Salt Lake game one night. It was a lot of fun! Darren is a HUGE soccer fan so he was really excited to check out the team. Unfortunately, the game wasn't too exciting since it ended in a 0-0 tie, but we all had a good time. Logan really loved cheering and yelling "GOOOAALL" even though they only scored once, and it didn't count since he was offsides.
This is week 2 of Story Time where Logan met a Macaw bird. He thought it was really cool. He pushed his way right up to the front so he could see it.
Here are the kids at the monkey cage. We love to sit and watch the funny monkeys!
We spent a day with our friends the Lifferth's and the Barker's at the Logan Aquatic Center (along with the rest of Cache Valley! It was SO crowded!) we had a great time there and it was a good way to beat the heat! It was really fun to be with our friends again - especially the Barker's since they live in Heber and we don't see them too often.
Daddy and Rylee coming down the water slide. I took Rylee the next time, and was going so fast! When I got to the bottom, we both ended up going under! I was so panicked but Rylee was fine and wanted to go again!
Logan looking a little nervous on the slide - He refused to go until he saw Rylee go and then decided that it looked like fun and had a great time! Of course, he waited to go until we were ready to leave and wanted to go again and again!
Week 3 of Story Time they brought out this HUGE boa constrictor! Logan LOVED it and even dared to touch this one! Rylee loved it too and was petting it like it was a kitty. I preferred to keep my distance...I am NOT a snake person! I'm not sure why Logan wasn't afraid of this one, but he has been talking about it ever since! He was so proud to touch the "Constrictor" and loved telling Darren about it.
We celebrated my mom's birthday at our house since most of my family was in Logan for the day, or out of town. It was fun to have everyone here for cake and ice cream. We hope you had a great birthday mom! (If you ask her, she will say that she is 30-18!)
Wow! That was a lot of pictures! I probably should have posted some of this seperately, but oh well!

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