Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Poop Happens!!!

It seems we have had a lot of funny incidents lately relating to poop. This might gross out some people, but when you are a mom and changing 2 diapers multiple times a day, poop is just a way of life!
Rylee's new favorite word is poop - She says it all the time whenever I am changing her or when she wants to be changed! I don't think she has yet distinguished between poop and pee but I am thinking she is much more ready for potty training than Logan! I think she mostly thinks the word is funny, especially since Logan laughs at her when she says it!
Rylee has also been pooping in the tub a lot lately! She even warned me the other night by saying poop, but I didn't take her seriously and suffered the consequences! A couple weeks ago, we were doing our regular night time routine. Darren and I take turns and one of us will do baths and one will clean the kitchen after dinner. I was taking my turn bathing the kiddos and Darren was downstairs. Logan was having a great time in the tub and seemed to keep "Tooting" and thought the bubbles it made were hilarious! I was worried that he might do something else soon and kept asking him if he wanted to go potty, when I realized that Rylee had pooped in the tub! So, I quickly began the evacuation of the tub and called Darren in for reinforcements. I started sterilizing the tub and infected toys while Darren maintained order with the kiddies. Then I heard, "Oh Rylee!!!" I turned and saw Rylee attempting to pick up a large piece of poop on the floor that she apparently had just created! NICE! So now I switch Darren and he continues sterilizing the tub while I sterilize Rylee from the poop contamination! Then I hear something, look over and Logan is totally peeing all over the rug and the box of stuff that was still in the bathroom (we were still in the unpacking phase!) LOVELY! He is standing RIGHT NEXT to the toilet, but he decides instead to instead pee all over the place! What a mess! Why do we even bother to bathe them? This of course happened shortly after we were all sick, so I was feeling like ALL I did was clean up gross things! Rylee managed to throw up at my Grandpa's Graveside ceremony, in the car on the way to the luncheon and then at my Uncle and Aunt's House and both had some serious diaper blowouts! Just a part of being a mom I guess...but definitely not the part I enjoy!
In another poop related story, the other day I was changing Rylee's diaper and Logan was VERY interested in what I was doing and checking things out pretty intensely! He usually doesn't pay any attention, but for some reason, he was really into it. Then he asked me, "Mom, what is in poop?" He is starting to ask A LOT of questions, but I was glad it was not the baby question, so I explained that when we eat, our body takes the food we need for energy and to make our bodies work, and then the rest comes out as poop. He seemed pretty happy with that explanation and when Darren came home, Logan explained to him that poop was "the food our body doesn't need". I was telling my family about it one day when we were there and they thought it was funny, so of course they start quizzing him on poop. They said, "Logan, what is in poop?" His reply was, "Corn!" I guess he was REALLY checking out Rylee's diaper to know what was in poop!
One more little poop story... We are trying a lot of things to interest Logan in potty training... No such luck! He is really wanting no part of it! (Any suggestions would be appreciated!!!) Anyway, I was changing a REALLY gross diaper and said, "Logan, what if Mommy puts some M&Ms on the potty for you and you could have them when you use the potty." His response was, "Mom! You are going to put M&M's on the toilet! That is SO GROSS!" Funny kid!
One more story - Not about poop, but boogers, which might be just as gross! I don't know what it is but Logan can't seem to keep his finger out of his nose, and then thinks he should always taste it! Gross! The other night, Darren was reading Logan a bedtime story when he pulled a HUGE booger out of his nose and started it straight for his mouth! Darren grabbed his finger and not wanting to interrupt the bedtime routine (or because he is also a boy and slightly gross, too) he brushed the booger onto his sock to dispose of later. When they finished reading, Darren put Logan down to send him to his bed and Logan immediately bent down, retrieved the booger and proceeded to eat it as quickly as possible! BOYS ARE GROSS! I guess he had been eyeing it the whole time waiting for an opportunity to steal it back and have one last bedtime snack! Logan definitely keeps things interesting!

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