Sunday, July 27, 2008

Darren's New Calling

Today Darren received a new calling. It all started 2 weeks ago, when we received a phone call from the Stake Presidency while we were in Florida. Darren and I both felt that we had a good idea what it might be, and it left us a little stressed for the rest of the vacation. The Stake was supposed to call us back to meet with us when we got back, but they took awhile to call back and we thought maybe we were off the hook, but no luck! They eventually called and we met with one of the counselors in the Stake Presidency on Tuesday night. They had split our ward while we were in Florida (our ward previously had over 900 members and 4 nurseries!) and in the process were reorganizing a lot of things. Darren was called to be the 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric, which is kind of what we expected but still a bit of a shock! Darren was set apart by his Dad on Thursday as a High Priest, so he will know be meeting with the old guys! Today he was sustained and set apart. He was a little relieved that it wasn't Elders Quorum President again (he has done that twice...) but I am a little worried about sitting alone in church with 2 very active children and all the meetings this will entail! We both feel like it will be a good experience for us though and will teach us a lot! Darren is excited for a chance to serve and I feel like maybe it will help us get to know a lot of people in the ward, so that will be good for us. (Most of the people we had made friends with were split into the other ward.... This seems to always happen to us!) We are a little overwhelmed, but I am sure that we will be blessed! I guess the Lord gives us opportunities to serve no matter where we live, in or out of Utah. My testimony has been strengthened that this is where we are supposed to be and what we should be doing now. Wish us luck!!!


Family Matters said...

Congrats Darren, I think that is awsome. I know you will be a great second counsler, and Brooke, just remember the Lord will bless you and your children.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Wow, I am not surprised. You both will do great, but yes Brooke it will be hard each Sunday. My mom always had us sit near the front where we could see dad. You need to find some other nice single sister to sit with you.

Karmann said...

COngrats!! I always knew that Darren was going straight to the top!! :) He is an incredible guy and will do so much with this calling. You will be fine and be blessed! I am so excited for you both!

Clark Family said...

I'll come up each week and seat by you. :)

The Packers said...

what can i say? been there, done that, and no thank you! darren will be great! as for you i hope you survive during sacrament with your kids. i'm sure your kids are better behaved than mine are so you should do just fine. congrats and GOOD LUCK!!!

The Johnson Fam said...

hey brooke.

it looks like you guys are doing good. maybe you will be getting a call to the RS president soon. take care.


Anonymous said...

Now he will be so busy he won't be able to do my teeth for free...

Anonymous said...

I have been through this. You are going to have wonderful blessings and some challenges. Just be resolved that you will never hear the uplifting messages at church until he is released. The best thing that you can do is always support him even when you feel he is gone too much. Always be possitive on your end so that he comes home to a happy family. Those are the things that I learned. Good luck!