Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fabulous Fourth!

We had such a fun 4th of July weekend! It was so great for us to be back around our family to celebrate - We have really missed it the last few years, although we did miss swimming at the White's house! We had a 3 day celebration and it was great!
We started our festivities on July 3rd at the Logan Fireworks. They are at the Football Stadium at Utah State and they are the BEST fireworks I have been too! My sister and her hubby and my little brother Kyle came up and went with us and we had a great time. They had some live music that was pretty good and then a patriotic program that was a little long and then the fireworks. Logan LOVED the snow cone that Aunt Heather bought him (he now asks for one everytime we drive by a snow cone place - Thanks a lot Heather... Ha ha!) and LOVED meeting the Aggie football team. When we got to the stadium, he was pretty upset that it was just music and not a football game, so it was good he could meet some of the players. Rylee had a great time dancing to the music and loved climbing up and down the stadium stairs. She also kept trying to mooch food off anyone nearby! She was doing this funny "Woo" scream with her hands up above her head that was cracking us up! The fireworks were incredible and we all loved them! Especially Logan and Kyle! They were both very excited by everything! I think we sometimes forget how little my brother still is - he is 8 - and how exciting those things are to him. Rylee somehow managed to fall asleep in the finale - She was so tired!

On the 4th, we got up pretty early and drove down to Darren's parent's house for breakfast. (And YES, my kids are wearing the same thing 2 days in a row, but I loved their little festive outfits and wanted to have them wear them to all of our events!) Darren's family has a tradition of making "baggy omelets" every 4th of July. Then the kids swam and played with their cousins. It was a little crazy and crowded in the pool, so only Logan swam, but Rylee had fun running around the backyard. It was so great to see everyone! Then we went to my parent's house for a BBQ dinner and fireworks. The neighbors were doing lots of fireworks and the kids liked watching those. My parent's house has the BEST view of the fireworks - they can see several different firework shows from their deck, so it was fun to watch them there. The kids also tried sparklers for the first time. Rylee was a little scary since she wanted to grab the flame, but Logan loved them and had a great time "drawing" with them! We ended up getting home a little after midnight! It was a long day with a lot of driving, but we had such a great time - It was worth it. It has been hard to miss all these celebrations living away, so it felt so nice to be back.

Saturday, we spent the day at the Cache Valley Cruise-In which is a big car show here. I have NEVER seen so many cars in my life! We spent a couple hours checking them out at the fairgrounds during the day. Darren really likes that kind of stuff, and I enjoyed it for awhile but then all the cars started to look the same and we were roasting! It was SO hot with all that metal around! That night, we went to the little Cruise-In parade where the cars drive up and down Main Street. Logan really enjoyed it and was cheering all the cars on "Go, GO, Go!" I think I was expecting something a little more exciting...Maybe it was because we had already seen most of the cars. It was still fun though. We sat by my good friend Summer and her little girl, Sky, so we had a good time hanging out with them. This is my FAVORITE pic that I took over the 4th! I LOVE Rylee's sassy little pose with her hand on her hip! She is such a crack-up!

I also really liked this one of Logan - He is SO Happy about his snow cone! Thanks Aunt Heather - You always spoil him!

Rylee doing her "WOO" to cheer for the music! She was being so funny! She LOVES attention!

Logan and Grandpa Boman having a popsicle! They are such great buddies!

Darren and Logan at the Cruise-In. Logan insisted that I take his picture with the monster truck. I forgot my camera (which is rare for me!) so this is off my phone so its not the greatest, but Logan loves that he has a picture with it!

Well - That was our busy and very fun fourth! Here are the rest of the photos:


Karmann said...

I love the 4th in Logan! I stayed up there one summer and did all those things you talked about! What a blast and i love the outfits for the kids and I would have made them wear them twice too! Love you and miss you tons!

Clark Family said...

I love these pictures and may need to get some from you.:) I loved the sassy picture of Rylee too! It's so cute.

Allison said...

Brooke your kids are so stinkin cute! I can't believe how smart Logan is and I loved the stories about Rylee and the babies. We were up at the Cruise In with my Dad on the Saturday before the fourth--I should have called you cuz I didn't know you would be there!