Monday, January 28, 2013


Logan and Rylee played Tball together this year.  It was probably the only time that they will be able to play together on a team, so we really enjoyed it!  I think it gave Rylee more confidence to play knowing that Logan was there and it was so nice to only have one game to go to!  Way to go Rays! 
They usually sat next to each other in the batting order - Rylee was #2 and Logan was #15

Rylee might be the younger sister but she is always mothering Logan.  (And everyone else).  Here she is helping him with his helmet. 

This is the final game of the season.  Rylee played 3rd and Logan played pitcher.  Rylee wasn't paying attention so Logan would run it over to the base for the out.  Rylee started to get mad and demand that Logan throw it, but he kept saying she would miss and would still run it over.  Sibling rivalry!  It got a lot of laughs. 

I think he did finally throw it the last time.  I'm glad they could play together and be teammates.  I love that they are friends and cheer for each other.  I hope it is always that way! 

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