Thursday, January 17, 2013


Everyone always tells me that Bronson looks just like Logan, so I thought it would be fun to compare.  There are a few old outfits of Logan's that I have pictures of both he and Bronson in so it is fun for me to see them both dressed the same and see how much they look alike!  They are definitely brothers, but Bronson has a LOT more hair!  I love my boys! 
Logan in his little Surfer outfit at 3 months old.  He started off as a preemie, but he got a lot of chub really fast! (September 2005)

Bronson in the same outfit.  He's also just about 3 months.  (July 2012)

I loved this cute little tie onesie on Logan when he was a baby! 
This is Logan about 3 1/2 months old.  (October 2005) 

Bronson in the same onesie.  He is only about 2 1/2 months.  He got chubby a little quicker since he didn't start out so small.  I love that they have the same BIG grin!  (July 2012)  And they are sitting in the same rocking chair for some of the pictures. 

It makes me so happy that these two sweet boys have each other!  Logan waited almost SEVEN years for Bronson and he loves being a big brother so much.  Sometimes I feel so bad that they are not closer in age, but I can already tell that they will be close and have such a special bond.  Darren has always had a really special bond with his older brother, Brian.  He is who Bronson's middle name is after.  They were 10 years apart but are very close and Darren looks up to Brian so much and did all growing up.  I hope my boys will be the same way!
Bronson and Logan are alike in many ways.  They have the same sweet, calm personality.  At least it seems that way for now.  I love that Bronson already looks at Logan with such adoration.  He just stares and him and it seems he looks up to him already.  I love how Logan is so sweet and gentle with Bronson and is already making plans for all the fun things they will do together and all that he wants to teach him.  I love that Logan gets excited if he and Bronson can have something matching.  He has kind of missed out on that when the girls match and he doesn't.  I didn't know if he would go along with matching outfits at age 7, but he loves it and I do, too.  I love my family so much.  And I love how much they love each other! 

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