Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Comic Relief

All of my posts have been so old, but here is a current one...

Every time I write one of these posts, I feel so sad that I can't remember more of the funny things that my kids have said recently.  Because seriously, they are REALLY funny!  They make my days so much better by keeping me laughing and I love that!  Here are a few recent favorites...

We were eating dinner on Christmas Eve and Logan got really thoughtful.  After a few minutes, he said, "I think that Jesus made Santa to deliver the gifts because the wise men couldn't fly."

I guess I have been using my text-to-speech feature on my phone a lot.  Avery recently started saying things like "Mom, can I go upstairs and play question mark?"  Or "Get me a drink period."  Or I was sending a text the other day and she said, "Mom, you didn't say period!"  It makes me laugh!

My parents babysat the kids about 2 months ago while we went to dinner with some good friends.  My mom texted me while we were out and said, "Avery just told your Dad "I like to look at my mom's boobs."  Your dad spit his dinner across the table." 

When Rylee does her reading for school, she doesn't just read.  She sings it.  It is so funny to listen to.  She makes up her own tune and belts it out.  Usually in a lovely falsetto.  Cracks me up everyday!  And she is SO serious about it, too.  It is not something she does to be funny. 

Bronson decided he doesn't like his binky anymore.  Instead he does this funny moaning sound to put himself to sleep.  It is so funny!  It is kind of like he is singing himself to sleep, I guess.  None of my other kids have ever done that and it makes me laugh every time I put him to sleep. 

Avery had a pretty big fear of Santa.  She has a fear of most mascots and things.  She has nightmares about the Chick-fil-A cow.  At Christmas, she was a little worried about Santa coming into our house.  When Darren tucked her in on Christmas Eve, she asked if Santa was big.  Darren said he was normal sized and then she said, "when he comes, I will give him a hug.  Then I will cry."  

Rylee had to have a tooth pulled.  She had an abscess.  It was a baby tooth, but one that won't come in for awhile so she had to have a spacer put in.  She was so excited about getting it.  She told everyone at school she was getting a gold tooth, so I think she was pretty disappointed to find out it was just a little silver ring.  However, she has showed it to just about everyone who will look since she got it.  As a parent, that isn't exactly what you want your child to be so proud of....  But she is pretty happy with it!  

Logan and Rylee had a funny conversation at dinner the other night.  Avery was saying something about how if I left that only girls could be in charge.  Logan piped in that Dad is always in charge.  Rylee argued that it is Mom that is in charge and they went back and forth for a little bit.  Then Logan explained it like this, "Rylee, its like in a cartoon.  Dad is the superhero and Mom is just like the sidekick."

Pretty much everything Avery does lately makes me laugh.  She is just at that funny age.  I think 2 and 3 year olds are my favorite age.  There are a lot of tantrums to deal with, but they just say funny things!  And their cute little voices!!!  I wish I could bottle them and save them like that forever!  For the last few days, she has been obsessed with sleeping on the floor.  She has a perfectly good bed, but for some reason she likes the floor and she has been sleeping better though, so who is going to argue with that?  I also love that she calls anything that has happened in the past "last night" and that she says "bis" (just) in almost every sentence.  Also, her little head cocks to the side with so much attitude when she talks lately and her eyes are so expressive and funny to watch when she talks.  She entertains me!  

Avery is always asking "What are the rules?" when you give her an option instead of "what are my choices?"

Logan had Parent-Teacher Conference last week.  His teacher was telling me how they are writing stories right now and was telling me a little about the process.  Logan piped in that he had a great idea for his next story called "Mrs Christensen is Missing".  Then he started going on about how she was going to be kidnapped and they would need $2 million and the kids would have to go all around Utah to get that much money.  The teacher started talking about something else and asked Logan a question and he started back into the story.  He was making up funny dialogue and everything.  He was going on and on about how some boy in the class would say "How about a pizza?" and what everyone would do.  He had some funny ideas.  Then the teacher went on to something else and he interrupted again with more details.  I don't think his brain ever rests!  I just wish he would write them down.  He has some pretty funny material!  

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