Saturday, February 2, 2013

Swimming Lessons

July 16 - July 27 - We had such a busy summer that I had a hard time finding 2 weeks in a row to do swimming lessons.  I finally got them into a session at the end of July.  Avery was too little for lessons this year, but I knew she would have a hard time just watching and not getting in with the other kids, so I had them take at a place where you can stay after and swim in the outdoor pool.  The kids love that and some of the neighborhood friends would be there, too, so it was a lot of fun.  I kind of have a love/hate relationship with swimming lessons.  I love having pool time but it kind of gets old after going every day for 2 weeks and there are so many towels to wash and it seems to consume our life for those 2 weeks.  But, laying by the pool for 2 weeks isn't so bad...  I didn't dare to put Bronson in the germ-infested water, so I didn't really ever get in, but the kids had a blast!  And, they learned a little bit too... 

 Avery was a good sport to just watch the other kids for the whole 40 minutes.  She started to get bored by the end of the 2 weeks.  Luckily, we would pack LOTS of snacks!  

Rylee swimming in her class on the first day. 

Rylee practicing her swimming arms
Waving at Mom and Dad across the pool

Swimming like a fish.  She did great at putting her face in.  For a second.  She didn't like leaving it in very long.
Logan swimming with his class
Side float
Logan loves to swim! 
Practicing their kicks

Their favorite part is always swimming after lessons.  They love to play in the water.  They have a great kiddie pool that Avery loved to play in. 
Little fish
Avery playing with her little neighbor friend, Ashlyn
Splashing around! 

July 18 - The kids especially love when Daddy comes to lessons and swims with them! 

Bronson chilling poolside.  He is such a sweet guy and survived being hauled back and forth and all the heat and craziness just great! 

Daddy and Avery - Cute swim buddies!  They were having so much fun together. 

For some reason, the hot tub is always the favorite place for my kids to be at the pool.  Even when it is super hot outside.  No kids are allowed in the hot tub without an adult, which is why all the kids are sitting around it with their legs in. 

July 25 - Another fun day at the pool swimming with Daddy.  This was the last time he could come with us for this session.  
Avery loves her daddy!

Logan borrowed some goggles from a friend.  Looking pretty snazzy! 

Avery jumping in to daddy.  She would start out standing up but would crouch lower and lower and would end up scooting in. 
Practicing floating
Rylee borrowed some goggles, too.  We should probably invest in some of our own. 

Once again, me and Bron just watched the craziness in the pool.  Aren't those cheeks so cute and squishy?? 
Avery loved to swim from this side to Daddy over and over again. She was getting braver and braver about trying to swim on her own and putting her face in. 
July 27 - Last day of swimming!  It was a happy and sad day.  We were really going to miss our pool time, but I think after so many days of heading to the pool we were ready for a break.  At least Mom was.  These little fishies would probably swim every day all summer if I let them.

Little graduates!  The kids loved swimming lessons this year!  They did pretty good.  Logan improved a ton and passed off level 4 and Rylee did a good job and improved a lot, too but needs to repeat her class to learn her strokes a little better.  She did SO much better about putting her face in, but still needs work on her coordination and her arms.  I love that they aren't afraid of the water and love to swim and will both put their faces in so good.
I only took pics on the first and the last day because they make you sit way up high on the other days.  Here are some of the pictures of them swimming in their classes.  First, Miss Rylee
I love the faces she pulls when she comes up out of the water.  This one is pretty dark, but she is very expressive. 

Talking to Mom when she should be swimming...  That is the one bad thing about lessons.  Sometimes I think they are having so much fun with the other kids that they don't really listen. 
Coming to tell me she is going to jump in...
I have no idea why but she is always chewing on her swimsuit. 

Ready to jump. 
Once again, a funny face when she comes out of the water. 
Safely back on the side. 
 Mr Logan.  
Practicing swimming.  They started to learn breathing with their stroke.  It was fun to watch him doing some actual strokes and swimming so far across the pool!  He improved so much! 
The teacher showing them where to look when they did their breathing
Logan swimming...

Back float

Back stroke

Doing his breathing
One last day swimming at the pool!  We stayed for a long time since it was our last chance to take advantage of the pool. 

Funny Avery trying to put her face in the water.  She was cracking me up! 

She finally got it all the way in! 
Sweet Mr Bronson just hanging out

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