Tuesday, January 15, 2013

30 in 30

Well...  My blog looks like everything else in my life lately.  NEGLECTED!  I don't know why I am so bad at keeping on top of things, but I can't seem to get things together!  If you haven't noticed (that is if anyone reads this....) I'm posting Bronson's THREE month pictures and he is almost NINE months old.  Completely ridiculous!  I wish that I could just go ahead and not worry about all those posts I missed, but I can't.  Especially since I ordered my last blog books and having my kids read them.  Now I feel even more pressure to get things posted and written down. 
So, I'm giving myself a challenge.  Hopefully, this will kick start my blogging and get me into better habits and maybe catch up a bit.  I planned to start this with the New Year, but we got a NASTY flu at our house.  And, well...  If I started something on time, then it wouldn't be me! 
My challenge to myself is 30 posts in 30 days.  Not too overwhelming, but I'm hoping it will help catch up on the past SIX months!  I hate being behind!  Especially when I have so many fun things to write about and so many fun pics and memories.  So...  Here it goes!  Today's post is up!  Let's see how long I can go... 

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