Saturday, January 26, 2013

Playing with the Scott's

July 13 - 14 - While we were in Dental School, we made some awesome friends.  We don't keep in very good contact with very many of them, but luckily, the Scott's, only live about 5 hours away and we are able to see them a couple times a year.  Darren and Jon have been trying to work out some Continuing Ed classes together for awhile and finally found an implant course that they both wanted to take in July.  So we got to see them!  Yay!  Jon was taking another course during the week, so we left after Darren finished work on Friday to meet them in Salt Lake.  We met up at their hotel and the kids swam while the adults chatted.  It was so fun!  They were excited to meet Baby Bronson and our girls were so excited to play with their girls.
 Rylee swimming with her buddies Shelby and Libby
 The daddy's chatting and Jon holding Baby Bronson.  He was excited to hold a baby boy!  Kids always love Jon! 
Avery was being a stinker about swimming for some reason. 
So sweet.  And so mischeivious! 

Rylee and Shelby

Logan chilling in the hot tub
After swimming, we went to dinner at In-N-Out and we were having so much fun that we wanted to keep on chatting, so we decided to get some ice cream.  The only place we could find was Arctic Circle, which was great because it had a play place for the kids!  It was going great until Ellie's diaper exploded in the play place...  haha!  Good times!  

The next morning, the dad's met up for their class and we mommy's took the kids on a little field trip.  We went to the Living Planet Aquarium, which my kids love!  My sister Heather came along, too and Cyril, the foreign exchange student.  It was quite an adventure!  I didn't get many pictures because my kids were off in a million directions and it was a little hectic!  The aquarium just got new river otters and they were so fun to watch. 
My kids always love to get their picture taken with this frog. 

The crew listening to River Otter talk.  The otters were really fun to watch play!
Shelby, Ellie, Libby, Rylee, Logan and Avery

Watching the sharks
Finding Nemo! They loved these fish that looked like Nemo and Dory. 
They had brand new baby sharks that Logan was really excited to see
The sea turtle is one of our favorites!
The girls watching the river otters
Sweet Baby Bronson slept through the whole outing! 
We loved the penguins!  Those are always are favorites!  I wish these weren't so blurry! 

Avery was especially into the penguins.  She wanted to stay and watch them forever!  She was having so much fun!
Mommy and A
They have a GIANT snake there.  I think it is an anaconda.  Here are the kids measuring up to see if they could be that long.  I think it is Libby, Avery, Shelby, Logan and Rylee.  And Ethan surpervising.
Logan by the Ananconda.  He has made some serious progress!  The first time we came here, he wouldn't go anywhere near this cage.  We had just read Harry Potter and I made some comment about what if this was invisible glass and he ended up in tears.  He was much braver this time!  I guess that means he is growing up!
Before we left, we went back for one last peek at the sharks. 
My cuties after a day at the aquarium. 

After the aquarium, Annie and I took the kids to lunch at Carl's Jr and let them run around the play place while I fed Bronson and we chatted.  And Annie had some Diet Coke.:)  When we came out, it was pouring and I guess it had been for a bit because our cars were in a huge puddle.  I didn't want my new shoes to get wet, so Annie pulled my van out for me.  That is what you call a good friend!  The boys were done with their class, so we met back up with them at the hotel and did some more swimming!

Daddy and Bronson
The Daddys in the hot tub
Cute Mr Bronson


Sassy Rylee!
Getting changed after swimming was a bit crazy with 4 adults and 7 kids and one bathroom.  While we were taking turns in the bathroom, the kids were all crowded around the ipad.  So funny! 

After swimming, we hit up Costa Vida for dinner.  It was a bit chaotic with that many small children but we survived!  Then it was time to say goodbye.  Here all the kids after dinner...  Logan, Ellie, Avery, Rylee, Shelby and Libby
Logan, Ellie, Avery, Rylee and Shelby - Libby is behind Shelby
Annie and I

I don't know what happened to the pic of Darren and Jon.  We had such a fun weekend with some of our favorite friends!  Once you go through something like dental school together, I think the experience bonds you for life!  No matter how long it goes between when we see each other, we always have so much to talk about and our kids are becoming such good friends, too. 

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