Tuesday, January 22, 2013


July 3 - We started our 4th of July festivities a little early this year.  The big stadium fireworks near our house are on the 3rd.  We used to go up to the stadium, but we have figured out we have a pretty good view from our backyard, so we have stayed home the last couple of years and it is nice.  One of our summer activities on our summer bucket list was a backyard picnic so we had some fried chicken picnic style before the stadium fireworks.
 Bronson hanging at the picnic
 Avery and Bron
We made homemade ice cream and had some treats after our picnic to watch the big firework show from the stadium.  We invited lots of neighbors, but only the Milligans came over.  We had a good time and did some sparklers after the firework show.  Little Bronson was being so sweet and smiley.  I love his big grins and chubby cheeks! 

Avery was being crazy!  She has so much personality these days.  My very favorite part of watching fireworks was watching her.  The best part of it all was that she told us she saw Jesus in the fireworks. I wish I could remember exactly how the conversation went.  It was hilarious! 

Rylee and her big bowl of treats.  We planned for quite a crowd and then only had 3 people come, so there were lots of treats to go around. 
Handsome Mr Logan

Sparklers after the big fireworks

We had a fun and busy 4th of July!  We tried to cram in as much family time and some friends, too, and it was a little bit crazy, but that is what holidays are all about, right?  We started by swimming at Grandma and Grandpa Webbers with all our cousins - So fun! The kids always love that!
 Having some lunch
Rylee and her cousins Raegan and Lauren were playing "store" with all the pool toys and having everyone come and buy something from them.  They were having a great time!
A patriotic Strawberry.  Grandma always makes fun holiday treats!
 A whole pool full of cousins!  And uncles.  And Grandma.

Logan trying out some water wings. 
Rylee and photo bomber Uncle Curt
Nice face, Mason!
Cute Cameron

Bronson taking a nap with Aunt Valerie.  He was spoiled all day and everyone wanted a turn to hold and cuddle him. 

Bronson's first 4th of July! 

My 4th of July cuties!  Logan is making me a bit nervous with Bronson...
And why does someone always have to be picking their nose? 

After lunch and swimming, we went to see our friends, the Bladens, new house and BBQ with them.  Our daddies went to the Real game and we stayed and played and did sparklers.  We were so happy to spend some time with them!  We miss them since they have moved SO much!  Poor Avery cries to play with Halle at least once a week.  

Cute Savanna and Rylee - They had missed each other so much!
While all the other kids played, Bronson just chilled on the lawn on the blanket. 

He also got to meet his buddy, Asher.  It is so fun to hang out with their family because everyone has a buddy - even the babies!  Asher is about 3 months older than Bronson. 
Holding hands

We had to separate them when the hair pulling started.  haha! 

Avery being "helpful" and pushing Asher around

The big kids - Logan and Carter;  Avery and Halle, Savanna and Rylee

Silly faces!!! 

Best Buds Carter and Logan - They almost even match!  They are so much alike that sometimes it is a bit scary!

When it started to get a little later, we did a few sparklers and watched some of the neighbors fireworks. 

This wasn't even posed.  These girls just did this and I HAD to get a picture.  I wish it would have been a better one, but I just loved this.  They are the cutest friends and it makes me sad to look at this because we miss our friends a lot! 
Such cute girls! 

Avery and Hallie - So silly! 

When it started to get really dark, we headed to Grandma Boman's.  The Bladen's came with us, so the kids were thrilled!  Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandma and Grandpa AND friends!  It doesn't get much better than that.  She only lives about 10 minutes away from their house.  We went there for some Chex mix and to watch some BIG fireworks!  Grandma's neighbor had bought a lot of really cool ones and we can also sit on Grandma's deck and watch fireworks around the whole valley.  We love that!  Of course, with friends there, the kids were a bit more interested in running around and playing than watching fireworks, but they were sure happy so I didn't mind a bit! 

Watching fireworks with Aunt V - Avery, Ethan, Logan, Carter and Savanna
Ethan, Rylee, Hallie, Avery and Aunt Vanessa
Digging the Chex Mix - Savanna, Logan and Carter

Whew!  Makes me tired just thinking about what a busy day this was!  Daddy met up with us after the Real game and we made yet another late night drive home.  We love the holidays but the next day we were exhausted!  It ended up being rainy and we spent the whole day watching movies in our PJs to recover! 

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