Monday, January 21, 2013


July always feels like such a busy month at our house!  There seems to be a million parties, family events and celebrations to get to and I feel like we are running all over non-stop, but it is also so much fun! I love the lazy summer days and hanging out outside at night. Here are some things we did way back in July... 
July 5 - After our crazy July 4th, we were all pretty pooped.  It was a rainy day, so we had an all day movie marathon in our jammies! The kids love doing that! 

Logan got a special surprise in the mail!  It made him so excited!  Uncle Jeff sent him this old school Kevin Durant jersey for his birthday.  He told Logan he sent it in a letter and Logan couldn't wait for the mail to come everyday checking for it and was so excited when he got it!
July 8 - My handsome little man is getting so big! 

July 12 - We spent a lot of our nights at the ball park.  The first couple of weeks of July, Logan and Rylee played tball every Tuesday and Thursday night.  We had some cute little fans - Avery and Bronson

Avery loves her picture taken.  Can you tell? 

July 13 and 14 - We met up with our good friend's, the Scott's.  Our daddies took a dental course together in Salt Lake and we got to play! 
July 14 - One last pic with the foreign exchange student my parents had.  Cyril from France.  He was a bit funny and didn't speak much English, but he did improve a lot while he was here.  He didn't seem to care much for personal space and at first he was doing that double kiss thing, but he soon figured out that handshakes are more common here.  My kids loved him and I think he really liked being around them, too.  They were always making him follow them and play with them and he seemed to understand them better than the rest of us!  My kids were sad to see him go and glad to get his address.  I loved that my kids all used fake French accents for awhile after he came.

July 15 - My handsome boys ready for church
Rylee gave her very first Primary talk.  I don't know how she went this long without giving one.  She was a bit nervous but she did a great job and really liked giving a talk.  We were a bit last minute writing it since we were in Salt Lake all weekend, so mommy helped her give it.  After church she practiced and could read it all on her own!  Too bad we didn't have her practice before...  Her talk was about reverence is respect and love for Heavenly Father.  She did a great job!

July 16 - Logan and Rylee's first day of Swimming lessons!  We took lessons for the last 2 weeks of July so we spent a good part of our days in July at the pool.  

July 16 - My little sluggers at their last tball game.  What a fun season!  I loved that they could play on the same team!

Grandma and Grandpa W came up to watch the last game.  Our McCann cousins are living at their house right now while they build so they came to watch, too.  My kids were so happy about that! 

Bronson enjoying the game with Grandpa - All crashed out!
July 18 - Went to Willow Park Zoo for the 2nd time this summer on a park day and had a great time!  The kids were so funny playing pioneers at the park with their friends and then started a nature club.  We finished up by walking through the zoo.  Our favorite spot at the zoo is always watching the funny monkeys and then feeding the ducks.

I love my monkeys!
July 21 - Our sweet little Bronson putting on the chub! 
July 21 - We were loading in the car for another trip to Grandma's.  It feels like we spend all summer in our car!  When we were getting in, I found these on the bumpers.  I guess this is the danger of having drinks in your outside fridge.  Those girls are always into it!  And I knew who did it because everything was lined up.  Had to be Rylee... 
Uncle Dean got a smoker for his birthday (to cook meat) and treated us all to yummy lunch he made to celebrate his birthday.  Then we swam at Angie's house (Grandma Boman's friend).  The kids had a blast!  

Daddy pulling faces for the camera
While Daddy went off to another Real game, we went to the drive-in!  It was so fun!  Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Kyle came with us.  And also Aunt Heather, Uncle Jay, Ethan and Robin.  The kids loved sitting in the back to watch the movie.  And Grandma brought yummy hot dogs and treats for dinner.  We had a great time but I don't know how much attention they paid to the movie.  They were having too much fun.  We saw Ice Age: Continental Drift.  We didn't stay for the second movie.  Too late for us!  The next day at church Logan told everyone at church that this movie was inappropriate.  Not sure why.  I think it had something to do with kissing. 
Uncle Kyle hanging out on Grandma's roof
Grandma and Bronson
Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Jay and Robin
My crew
These two are the best of buddies! 

July 24 - We celebrated Pioneer Day

More swimming... 

July 26 - One thing we love to do in the summer is get treats!  We love Sonic Slushes at Happy Hour and we love to go to Mo Better for their HUGE snow cones.  But, this year we found a new shave ice place that is SO yummy!  It is our favorite and pretty cheap, too!  They were delicious!  Daddy got a wedding cake one with sprinkles that was so yummy!  A perfect summer treat!
Avery with her cupcake shave ice
Bronson missed out all the good stuff! 

My shave ice was delicious, too.  It was strawberry limeade with real strawberries. 
It was SO hot!  This was the only shade we could find.  Right next to a dumpster!

July 27 - Swimming graduates!

Last day at the pool! 

 We got WAY into the Olympics! 
July 30 - We planned a weekly play date and would post it on FB each week for any friends who wanted to come.  This was our favorite one!  We went up to 2nd dam for a picnic lunch, nature scavenger hunt and a little hike around the dam.  Some times these play dates would have 1 or 2 friends, but this week lots of our friends came and it was so fun! 

Kids at the dam

Avery with her something pretty she found on the scavenger hunt
Bronson just along for the ride

Logan's good buddies Spencer and Dallin brought their new dog and Logan loved playing with them and Princess. 

Kids playing in the water.  I didn't really think they would want to get in, but I guess I should have known better.  Kids can't stay away when there is water.  And if there is mud, then my girls will be there! 

Throwing rocks and mud was really popular, too..
The bunch.  Some of the kids had left before this, but we had a pretty big group.  We took a little mini hike around the dam after this.  It was a good day! 
Our group:  Avery, Rylee, Morgan J, James R, Kaydence S, Jordan, Jaylyn and Ronan A, Shelli and Grace F, Cameron and Lexi P, Madi J, Dallin S, Logan, Spencer S, Taya and Kiya H and Henry S and in the front is Amelia C.  In the back in the Superman shirt is Andrew C.  I don't know who the other little boys in the water are... 
My girls HAD to go into the mud and Rylee lost a flip-flop.  I had to wade in and dig for it.  Gross!  All to chase these ducks... 

We finished our fun day with some Aggie Ice Cream!  We deserved it after our little hike around the dam.  We were exhausted!  Or at least Mom was!
Avery with her lovely chocolate face!

 July 30 - This girl loves her some Ba-sketti! 
  And Bronson is THREE months!

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