Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bronson - From 2 to 3 Months

Bronson's pictures from 2 months up to 3 months - June 27 - July 26, 2012....

 June 27 - Watching Logan open his birthday presents.  He doesn't look too impressed!
  Bronson is such a chill baby.
For Logan's birthday, we visited the Fun Park and Chick-fil-a.  Cute little Bronson was so great on our outings!

At Logan's birthday dinner at Chuck-A-Rama.  Bronson loves his big brother! 
I love these pictures of Bronson "talking" to Daddy!  Those first sweet little coos and smiles are my favorite! 

 June 28 - Bronson right after his 2 month well check and first shots - He was pretty sad for a couple days afterwards and he poor little legs were so tender!  I felt awful!  Nothing is worse than them looking up in your face and then seeing the how sad they are from the shot!  He calmed down pretty quick though! Thanks to his Binky! The Dr said he was perfect - something we already knew! 

Bronson weighed a whopping 13 lbs 15 oz at his appointment which totally shocked me!  It was 92%!  He also was 24 inches - 84% and 41 1/2 cm head circumference 83%

June 29 - Enjoying our first family trip to Lagoon.  Bronson took a nap to start our day off.  He was such a good baby all day to take naps and just hang out!  He did get really sweaty in his car seat.  It was a hot day!
Bronson and cousin Robin at Lagoon.  Such cute babies!
Bronson and daddy hanging at Lagoon-A-Beach
Bronson at the end of the day - So tired out! 

July 1 - Bronson in his cute church outfit.  I love dressing up my baby boy!

Almost a smile...
July 2 - My little Ninja baby and Avery after Logan's Ninjago birthday party with his friends. 

My boys in their Ninja headbands

July 3 - Enjoying a backyard picnic with the fam
Some of Bronson's sweet little smiles while we waited to watch the fireworks from the stadium in the backyard.  I just love my happy baby!  

July 4 - Bronson's first Fourth of July!  We started off the day by going to Grandma and Grandpa Webber's for baggie omelets and swimming.  Bronson got lots of attention and love!  Everyone wanted a turn to hold and snuggle him!

Bronson taking a little nap with Aunt Val
After Grandma's, we visited our friend's, the Bladen's.  We had a BBQ at their new house.  We stayed and played there while the daddy's went to the Real Salt Lake game.  Here is Bronson just chilling on the grass while the other kids played. 

Bronson meeting his little buddy, Asher for the first time.  Asher is about 3 months older than Bronson. 
Holding hands!  How cute! 
July 5 - Bronson taking his first real bath in his new tub!  He actually took one a few days before this with the girls and Rylee held him but D wasn't home and it was too scary to let go to take a pic.  He was already too big for the cute little sling that goes in the tub.  He quite liked chilling out in the water, but he didn't really love washing his hair!
 It was a rainy day, so we had an all day movie marathon in our jammies!
Bronson 10 weeks old

July 6 - Our chunky monkey after his bath! 

We had so much fun at Lagoon our first day, we decided to Bounce Back!  It was even hotter this time but we had a lot of fun! 
I love Bronson's little outfit! 
Just hanging out - He is the BEST baby! 
Smiling for Grandma and Uncle Kyle.  Uncle Kyle was the first one to get him to laugh! 
July 8 - Our handsome little man all dressed for church! 

So Smiley! 

Love those big grins! 

July 9 - Bronson is loving his new play gym.  He just lays in there and stares at the toys and goos and coos at them so funny.  This day he fell asleep staring up at them.  So sweet!

July 12 - Bronson got hired by JJ Cole for a baby photo shoot for one of their new products.  It was kinda exciting and really fun!  There was another baby on set so they took turns.  Unfortunately for Bronson, the other baby didn't cry much so he didn't get as many turns.  He didn't cry either.  They just started with her so she got to take more turns and they didn't need to switch them out very often. It was a little weird having another person be his "mom" in the pictures but fun to watch.  They didn't seem to care too much what he was doing.  He was more about the product pictures and getting the functionality and stuff, but he was really smiley and cute! The product was a little diaper and wipes clutch.  They ended up using the picture for the product and it will be out at Babies R Us in February. 

Here is the picture that they are using.  It is on the product packaging and they also use it for the product on their website as well as for some promotional things, like new casting call advertisements!  Kind of fun to see him on stuff like that!  He is our little star!  It is just too bad it doesn't pay better.  He earned $37, but I could cash it in for double that in product, so I got lots of fun new baby stuff!
July 14 - We made a trip down to Salt Lake to see our friend's, the Scott's, who were in town from Boise.  The Daddy's went to a class together and the moms and kids went to the Living Planet Aquarium.  Bronson slept through just about the whole thing.  Afterwards we grabbed lunch at Arctic Circle and then went back to the hotel to swim.  It was a fun day! 
Bronson chilling poolside. 
Bronson loves his daddy! 
July 15 - My handsome boys all dressed for church!  Logan gets so excited if he can "match" Bronson.  I LOVE it! 

July 17 - Last tball game of the year!  Bronson sat through a LOT of these games!  Grandma and Grandpa Webber came up for the last one and Bronson fell asleep in Grandpa's arms.  I think Grandpa might have slept through a bit of the game, too. 
July 18 - Sitting poolside while the kids swam at Swimming lessons.  Bronson was a good sport to sit through all these lessons, too.  I let him put his toes in the water a few times, but there were so many crazy kids there I never dared to swim with him.

I love Bronson's lashes!

12 weeks old
Bronson LOVES laying in his new playgym.  He will just lay in there and goo and talk to himself in the little mirror.  He gets excited and kicks a lot and then is surprised when he kicks something.  He is starting to be able to grab the toys too.  He is getting so big and is so happy all the time!
Avery always wants to be in the picture with Bronson

We went to Willow Park Zoo for the 2nd time this summer on a park day and had a great time!   We finished up by walking through the zoo.  I love my littlest monkey!

All the monkeys!

July 20 - Bronson LOVES his big boy tub!  He just lays in there and chills so funny - He is so relaxed but will kick his feet a little and just loves it. 

He is starting to do better with washing his hair now, too.  The girls also LOVE to help!
Baby mohawk
Bronson - 12 weeks old playing in his playgym and having a little tummy time.  He does pretty good for a few minutes and then gets tired.  His poor little head just bobs lower and lower to the ground.  He has lots of love from his brothers and sisters who can't ever just let him be!
Loves from Sister
Swinging at the toys
He never gets left alone for long...

Holding his head up so big!  (Don't mind his crazy hair!  He just got out of the tub!)

We went to our little city day celebration and had a lot of fun.  A friend we hadn't seen for awhile saw Bronson and asked how old he was and guessed SIX months!  Really???  He is chubby, but SIX months???  I want him to be my little baby longer!

July 21 - At the city parade.  Bronson was TIRED! 

Cute brothers watching the parade together.

July 21 - Bronson, our chubba bubba!  He is also starting to roll around a little more and kick his legs and get excited with his arms.  He loves to talk and kind of does this high pitched squawk all the time but it is so happy! I love all those baby rolls! 

July 21 - Bronson's first drive-in movie!  We had a fun night and saw Ice Age 4. 
July 23 - Bronson.  13 weeks old.  Logan used to wear this outfit, so I had to get a few of Bronson in it, too. 

July 24 - Bronson's first Pioneer Day! 
At Great-Grandma Mary's house to celebrate Pioneer Day.  This is Great-Grandma and all her Great-Grandkids!  This was the first time they had all been together.  Logan, Bronson, Ethan, Brooklyn, Robin, Rylee and Avery
We had a fun day at Great-Grandma's having some BBQ and playing games.  Bronson got a lot of love and attention and I loved his cute little festive hat! 
Sweet Bronson - 13 weeks old

After Great-Grandma's house, we went bowling with some of my family.  Bronson slept through most of it.  I have no idea how!
After bowling, we met our friend's, the White's, from Las Vegas at Tepanyaki for dinner.  Yumm!  Their girls were very excited to meet Bronson.  He slept through most of dinner, too. 
Bronson hanging out at the park
July 25 - Another day at swimming lessons.  I LOVE those cheeks!
Hanging out at the snow cone shack.  We found the best new place.  Poor Bronson didn't get any. 
THREE months old!!!  I can't believe it! 

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