Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What Fun Is, Part 2

 July 6 - After our first visit to Lagoon, I had a bit of a Lagoon hangover.  I felt so old after all those roller coasters and it felt like it took a couple days for me to fully recover.  I had a terrible headache and was a little off.  The thought of going back made me queasy.  But, after a couple days, we decided maybe it would be fun.  We had a really good time and the kids loved it and we could take advantage of Bounce Back and go for $5.  It still felt a little soon (you have to use your bounce back pass within 10 days), but we ended up going.  Our friend's, the Lifferth's, have season passes so we were able to talk them into coming with us and Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Kyle came along, too.  Daddy had to work in the morning, so we didn't get there as early and it wasn't as full of a day, but we had a good time.  It was much more crowded than our first day and SO hot!  I don't know if we would have bounced back if our first day there would have been like that, but we ended up having a really fun day! 
First ride of the day was Bulgy the whale.  We love Bulgy!  Logan had missed out on this ride last time because Daddy took him on Wicked and he really enjoyed it. 

Can you tell how hot it is just by looking at this picture? 

Riding the pirate boat with Uncle Kyle
Bronson looking cute in his hat

Taking a snooze
Riding the airplanes
Yeah for friends!  Rylee, Logan, Avery, Olivia and Ethan
Avery and Papa.  She might have him wrapped around her little finger.  Especially when he saw her poor eye.  She could have anything she wanted!  Its because the eye injury happened at Grandma and Grandpa's on the 4th of July.  Avery tripped over Grandpa's big feet on the deck and hit her eye on the flower pot.  When Grandpa saw her big owie, he felt terrible!  I think she used that cut and her cuteness to get a few rides on Bombora with Grandpa! 
Riding the spaceships.  Little Kendell wasn't too sure about the rides, but she ended up going on this one with all the girls and liked it. 
Cute girlies - Rylee, Olivia, Avery and Kendell
My sweet little Bronson
The ladybug drop was a big hit!  Avery and Daddy
Logan and Olivia

Grandpa and Rylee - She's a screamer! 

Bronson smiling for Grandma while the kids go on rides.  My mom hates rides so she is a great help with the kids! 
Bron loves Uncle Kyle.  He was the first one to make Bronson laugh!  
Cruising on the bumper cars

Poor Avery had her car stuck like this the whole ride.  The nice ride attendant let her go again. 
Avery on the carousel - She loves this ride!

We took Rylee on the bat.  It was her first BIG roller coaster besides Bombora.  It is the kind where they have a harness over your head and your feet just hang and she loved it! 
Avery rode the water ride with mommy.  We were trying to be strategic so we wouldn't get wet, but mommy didn't move in time once and we got a little wet and she wasn't happy about that! 

Olivia and Rylee on the sky ride.  They were so excited to ride this!  

We couldn't talk Logan into riding any of the big roller coasters this trip.  It was sad because he loved Wicked when we rode it before.  He had a couple major meltdowns when we tried to get him to ride any of them.  However, Uncle Kyle talked him into trying the new ride there called Air Racers.  It is this airplane ride that flips upside down over and over.  I thought he would chicken out, but he LOVED it and ended up riding it a few times.  Sadly, I have no pictures of him on it, but this is what the ride looks like....

Before we left, we had to take a ride on Bombora, the kids' favorite.  The big boys went to ride Air Racers one last time and while we were waiting, Grandpa took Avery on Bombora and Rylee played in the water fountains with Olivia and Ethan.  It was pretty late and this point and I warned her I didn't have more clothes so I thought she would just get a little wet....  She got DRENCHED!  She was sticking her bum in the water and shaking it and laughing and having a great time.  She was a little sad afterwards when she was cold and wet, but I think it was probably worth it! 

Bronson all snuggy for bed as we were leaving!  Another fun day at Lagoon!  And this time I wasn't nearly as sick.  I think it helped that I didn't ride as many roller coasters.  That used to be my favorite part but I think I am getting too old! 

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