Monday, January 28, 2013

Ry's First Tball Season

I already posted some of Rylee's pictures from her very first tball game, but here are the rest of the pictures from her very first season.  I was a little worried on how she would do or if she would like playing this year, but she really had a great time.  She loved wearing a uniform and having a mitt and she loved running the bases.  She looked so little and cute out there! She wasn't always paying attention, but she had fun anyway. 
June 14 - Game #2 - Rylee in the outfield

I think Rylee is funny in the background of this one...

Ready to hit!  She got better and better each game and hitting and running the bases was definitely her favorite part of the game! 

Well...  Maybe treats were her favorite part of the game.  Here she is enjoying her doughnut. 
June 26 - High fives for running the bases.  She always had the biggest grin when she got to home plate. 
Up to bat.
A little help from her coach.  She had some great coaches this season! 
Scoring another run! 
July 12 - Rylee in the outfield...  she doesn't love playing the outfield!  This is how she was during most of the games. 
I love how she runs the bases.  She looks so girly! 
And she is always holding onto her helmet. 
She looks really into the game.  She actually spent most of her time in the outfield chatting to her coach.
Rylee's turn to play pitcher!  She actually got to touch the ball a few times and throw it!  She did pretty good about knowing to get the ball and throw it to first. 

July 17 - Last game of the season!
Cutest shortstop ever!
Rylee spent most of the games chewing on her mitt... 

I love watching the determined look on her face when she hits! 

Running for home! 

This was my favorite.  It was the last inning and Rylee was 3rd Base and Logan was pitcher.  Logan kept getting the ball and attempting to throw it to Rylee but she was never paying attention, so he would run it over and touch the base himself.  Then Rylee started paying attention, but Logan wouldn't throw it to her and she started getting mad.  Some pretty serious sibling rivalry on the field! 

The Rays tball team and the coaches. 
Our sweet little slugger!  Way to go Princess!  I am so proud of her for trying something new! 

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