Monday, October 8, 2012

My Ry Girl - Five Years Old

I thought I posted these, but I didn't...  Oops!  Here are Rylee's 5 year old pictures.  She is such a beautiful girl and she is growing up SO fast!!! 


Here are some things about Rylee at 5 years old...  This is a little interview I had with her on her birthday.  Sometimes the things she says are so random! She had some answers that I had no idea where they came from. I added in a few side notes of my own. 

Favorite Color:  Blue  (I don't know when this changed.  She was SO about pink, but now everything is blue.  Makes me a little sad.  I loved her girly pink!)
Favorite TV Show:  Doc McStuffins  (also loves Strawberry Shortcake)
Favorite Movie:  Monsters, Inc.  (I have NO idea where this came from.  I don't even know if she has seen this movie...  I think it is really Tangled.  Or any Princess movie.)
Favorite Food:
Favorite Restaurant:  Kneader's  (When Daddy takes her there for a treat, she will pick a fruit cup over all those yummy cupcakes and sweets!)
Favorite Treat:  Ice Cream
Favorite Cereal:  Lucky Charms - She picks out mostly marshmallows...
Favorite Drink:  Water...actually Lemonade
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:  Sherbet
Favorite Princess:  Jasmine (She has been watching Aladdin in the car a lot lately...  I think it is probably really Rapunzel...)
Favorite Book:  I Like Pickles  (Also a random answer.  I think that is the last book she read.  Not her favorite.  She LOVES any book she can read by herself.  She loves all the first reader books right now.)
Favorite Toy:  My Princesses  (the Polly Pocket kind that you can dress up)
Favorite Birthday Gift:  My Rapunzel hair
Favorite Stuffed Animal:  Pascal
Favorite Game:  Princesses or Dress-up
Best Friend:  Savanna and Madi
If she could pick a pet:  Bunny
Favorite Bedtime Song:  Heavenly Father Loves Me  (Lately, she has also been requesting Daddy to sing the Real Salt Lake anthem....)
Favorite things to Do/Play:  Play with daddy, Have fun with daddy, Baby dolls, dress-ups, art, sidewalk chalk, ride bikes/scooter, swing, play Princesses, go to the store, 
What do you want to be when you grow up?  Artist
What makes you Happy:  Logan being silly
What Makes you Sad: Logan being mean
What Makes you Laugh:  Avery being silly
What Makes you Scared:  Logan jumping out...  (are you sensing a theme here...)
What do you Dream About:  I don't know
What Makes you Angry:  Logan being scary

Oh, our Rylee!  She is full of SO much life and I love that she is her own person.  Her and I sometimes butt heads. A lot.  I think that is because we both like to be in charge....  She is very opinionated and independent and also can be very sweet.  Rylee has so many great qualities.  It is so amazing to see how much she has grown up over the last year and all the amazing things she can do!  

Rylee is a great helper when she wants to be!  Like anything else, if Rylee decides SHE wants to do something, then she is great at it.  If it is Mom's idea, it doesn't always work out...  But she really is a great helper most of the time.  She loves to make people happy and is usually be the best cleaner and helper around our house.  She loves to dust and is great at dusting the banister or helping Daddy in the yard.  She doesn't mind getting dirty at all.  She digs in the dirt and will pull weeds or just about anything.  She also LOVES to organize and is so great at it!  She is always sorting things or arranging things and gets so much joy out of it.  One day, I said we were going to clean up the toy room and she said, "Mom!  Can we dump out all the bins and sort everything and label them?"  My kind of girl!  She is also great at setting the table and I love to watch her fold her clothes! 

Rylee is very artistic.  She loves to draw pictures for people and is a great little artist!  I love her pictures.  They always make me smile.  At Christmas time, she drew a picture for EVERYONE on both sides of our family.  That is no small feat - I think it was close to 50 pictures!  She loves to do nice things for people to make them smile.  She can color for so long and she also loves to write.  She is constantly asking me how to spell things and is writing notes or in her "journal".  She loves just about any kind of craft project and gets so excited when we do things like that.  She also loves her Easy bake oven or to help in the kitchen.  She is always asking if she can "help make". 

Rylee is incredibly particular about things.  This is part of the reason she is such a good helper.  She likes things to be JUST so!  She will spend so much time up in her room creating elaborate set-ups with her toys.  (And gets SO angry when her little sister messes them up!)  She is great at making her bed and always has it looking so neat and will even help Logan with his. She also loves to plan - She had so many specific plans for her birthday party and was so funny about making sure it was just right.  She even designed and colored her cake for me so I could make it just right.  She loves having parties and she is already planning next year's birthday and I think she has the theme for her next 3 picked out.  We'll see how many times that changes.... Right now, she has a Hello Kitty theme picked out for next year.

Rylee has a great imagination and plays so many fun things.  She gets along so well with Logan most of the time and they will play Magic Treehouse or Star Wars or going to Disneyland or all kinds of imaginative things.  She and Avery will also spend a lot of time playing "family", although there is a lot of fighting about being the mom.  They also like to play Annie (from the movie), Princesses, Dressups, Little People or school or dance class.  She loves to play anything where she can be the teacher.  She is a great big sister and is really excited about the new baby. I love to listen to her when she is pretending to be on the phone.  It is so funny the pretend conversations she will have and the grown-up tone that she uses and some of words she chooses.  Sometimes it also makes me cringe...  I hear some things and know right where they came from... 

Rylee LOVES preschool and is doing so well.  Before she went, I wasn't even sure if she knew all her ABC's because it wasn't something she showed much interest in.  But she has been doing great and is a little smartie.  She gets so excited to bring home her work and takes a lot of pride in it.  She has great handwriting and colors really well and loves to do art projects of any kind.  Around Christmas, they started learning sight words and Rylee was so excited about that.  She would go through all our books searching for the words she knew (like it and is) and was so proud of herself that she could read words.  She started reading more and more and is reading really well now.  It is amazing!  When Rylee sets her mind to something, she will work and work at it.  She has pretty much taught herself to read and also to snap and is learning to ride her bike with no training wheels.  She gets so excited when she masters something and is so proud of herself!  

Rylee is a bit of a Princess in many ways.  She LOVES pretty clothes and sparkles and accessories.  She loves to dress up and she loves to pick out her clothes and shoes.  However, Rylee also loves to be outside and get dirty.  She can always find the mud and she loves to dig in the garden or pretty much anything that gets her dirty.  She is also really rough and tumble.  She is always falling or bumping on something and she can wrestle with the best of them.  Her and Avery get into some pretty instense fights....  

Rylee is a bit sassy.  Ever since she could walk, she would constantly put her little hands on her hips and walk around so sassy!  Sometimes Darren and I will just watch the way she is walking and look at each other.  We usually laugh but I think we are both a little afraid....  She gets those little hips swinging and is just SO sassy!  Sometimes she also seems to be in her own little world.  Besides the way she walks, she also goes around singing songs a lot.  They are usually ones that she just makes up as she goes about whatever is going on at our house and they are pretty funny.  She seems to really love to sing while she is going to the bathroom.  

Rylee can be very stubborn.  Maybe this will be a good thing someday.  She definitly knows what she wants.  Sometimes this can lead to problems.  For instance, we tend to fight quite a bit about what she is going to wear to school or how she is going to wear her hair.  She is very persistent and throws some VERY dramatic fits, complete with kicking, screaming and slamming doors.  And that girl can SCREAM!!!  I've never heard anything quite like it... It is SO high pitched!  She has a bit of an attitude at times and the way she talks back sometimes makes me VERY nervous for her teenage years.  And I don't know where she could have picked it up - I think she just came that way.  She does have a bit of a temper.  When Avery doesn't play the way she wants, she can get mad really quickly and I can always tell that it isn't going to end well when Rylee uses her "mean voice" and squeezes Avery's arm.  Those two are really the best of friends and the worst of enemies.  

Rylee is a bit of a drama queen.  Everything is always very dramatic.  She has the most expressive eyes and hand motions and I love watching and listening to her when she tells a story.  It is always entertaining and sometimes you don't even have to know what she is saying to know what she is talking about because of the way she uses her face.  And she has started the art of eye rolling at a very early age.  

Rylee is a Daddy's girl.  She adores her daddy and I think she knows that he can't say no to her very well and uses it to her advantage.  She gets so excited whenever he comes home and loves to go run errands or go on dates with him.  She loves to work with him in the yard or make things in the kitchen. 

Rylee LOVES to shop.  She is so funny and has to see everything before she can make a decision and always seems to know exactly what she wants.  Shopping with her can take quite awhile.  Even just for a present for a friend's birthday party.  She may have gotten this from me... 

Rylee has been taking dance this year and she loves it!  She loves the outfits she gets to wear there each week and she is really excited for the recital and the costumes!  She doesn't really seem interested at all in sports, despite my best efforts,  but she has been loving her dance class.  She makes Avery play dance class with her all the time at home and loves to give performances.  She loves to say "Presenting...  Rylee Webber" before each performance and she calls it "Pronouncing"  

Rylee is a really good eater.  She always seems to choose really healthy things.  Even when Darren takes her for a treat, she will usually choose fruit over anything else and she is really reasonable about how much she eats at a time and will "save things for later" a lot.  She has very mature taste and loves things like shrimp and mushrooms and steak.  

Rylee loves her friends.  She gets so excited for play dates and loves going to school and will always tell me all about them when she gets home.  Whenever we go to a park or anything, Rylee will always bring over some random kid and introduce me to her new friend.  She is really good at making new friends and loves people, although she can be kind of shy in new situations or around grown-ups. She can get embarassed really easily in new or uncomfortable situations and sometimes will be really silly when she is nervous.  

Rylee has always been a really good talker, but she has a few funny things she says.  For instance, she still confuses tomatos and potatos.  She calls them both the wrong name all the time, even though we go over and over which is which.  I have stopped correcting her.  I think it is so funny!  She also says "hos-table" instead of hospital, even though you can tell she is trying so hard to say it right. And she calls family home evening "heavenly fam neving."Love, Love, Love that one!  I hope she never stops that one.  She also says "amn't I"  instead of aren't I.  

We love our sweet Rylee and we are so proud of what a good little girl she is and how much she is learning and growing!  I just hope the next 5 years slow down a little bit...

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