Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bronson - 2 months Old

Bronson's 2 month pictures.  I had these taken at Target.  They weren't my favorite, but they got a couple cute ones. 

 His sweet little blessing outfit.

I love this little smile! 

My little monkey

I'm not sure about these pictures on the red fuzz with the tie....

Nothing sweeter than little baby feet!

These are a couple I took of him at home...  Or more than a couple because I can never choose! 

Almost got a smile... 
A couple with Ollie the elephant...  He is getting bigger and bigger already! 

Such sweet little smiles! 

 June 26, 12 - A few things about Bronson at 2 months...

He is smiling more and more every day and is just so happy and content all the time.  His sweet little smiles melt my heart!  Sometimes he just gives little half smiles, but other times they are BIG grins that fill up half his face!  He has some cute dimples in those chubby cheeks and I love his little nose wrinkling up and how his eyes seem to smile, too.  He has the most expressive eyebrows and when they go up and down, it is just about the cutest thing ever.  At least to his Mommy... 
He is starting to talk and coo a little bit.  He has so many funny little sounds.  Sometimes he will make these deep grunts and other times it will be squeals and much higher shrieks and sometimes it will just be funny little sighs that are SO sweet! 
He is starting to have a lot more control over his arms and legs and is starting to try and figure out how they work and get them to move.  It is so interesting to watch babies learn and develop these things! 
He is starting to discover his tongue.  In the last couple days, he has been sticking it in and out over and over again and seems so interested in it and what it can do.
He loves to be swaddled and loves his binky and will go right to sleep if he has both.
Bronson went to his 2 month appointment and shocked us when they put him on the scale!  I was thinking about 12 lbs or so...  He weighed in at 13 lbs 15 oz!  He is close to DOUBLE his weight in only 2 months!  That was the 92%.  His height was 24 inches, which was the 84% and his head was 41 1/2 cm which was the 83%.   

We are LOVING Bronson.  He has such a calm and sweet disposition and has added so much to our home.  He is so good all the time and only cries when he is hungry or really tired. 

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