Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bronson - 6 weeks to 2 months

Here are Bronson's pictures from 6 weeks up until 2 months.  (June 8 - June 26)

June 9 - This is an AWFUL picture...  BUT this is Bronson's first trip to the movies!  We saw Madagascar 3.  He was awesome!  Just hung out and ate and slept.  It was much easier than taking a 2 year old...
June 10 - Handsome little Bronson all dressed up for his first trip to church at six and a half weeks old!  I'm probably a little paranoid, but I get SO nervous to take my babies to church for the first time.  We actually had planned on going the week before, but getting ready turned into a disaster and we didn't make it.  He looked so darn cute! (Thanks Em for letting me borrow these cute clothes for the wedding!)

Avery always has to poke her head into the pictures! 

Bronson and Mama - I was excited to go back to church but also a little bummed to give up our bonding time while everyone else was gone!  Those Sunday's were some of my favorite days with my little man. 
Sunday nap with Daddy

Love the blue steel face! 

So handsome! 

Little baby smiles for Daddy! 

Baby Yawns
And some baby kisses...

June 11 - (6 1/2 weeks old) - Trying to get smiles out of sweet Bronson.  He is so smiley but it seems to be pretty hard to catch the smiles on camera!  This was one of my first successful attempts. 

June 13 - Bronson - 7 weeks old - I have pics of all the kids in these jammies.  I call them the caterpillar jammies, although I don't really know why. They are some of my favorites and I have had them since Logan was born.  I will have to post some look a like pics of all 4 babies in these.   

Every time I take a picture of Bronson, Avery wants in on the action.  Funny thing is if I ask her for a picture of her, she is not nearly so cooperative! 
This is what she does when I say "show me your smile"...

The kids love these jammies, too. 
It is SO hard to get a good picture of all 4 kids!  Seems like someone is always picking their nose...

Isn't he the cutest baby ever?   I am in love with his big, dark eyes and CHUBBY cheeks! 

June 14 - SEVEN weeks old! 
There is Avery popping in the pictures again...

June 14 - Talking to Daddy at Logan and Rylee's Tball game!
June 15 - Just more pictures of Bronson....  I like to take pictures of him! 

He is getting so big so fast but it still looks tiny on my bed

June 21 - Bronson starting to talk and coo - so cute!

June 21 - Little man Bronson - 8 weeks old!!!  Can't believe he is so big!  He is the best and easiest baby!  Hanging out at Logan and Rylee's  tball game.  He is so good to go anywhere and do whatever.

June 22 - We spent the day at Seven Peaks with some cousins.  Bronson was an angel baby, as always, and enjoyed the day in the shade.  He looked so cute with his little outfit with the shark on his bum! 

Taking a nap.  He is really starting to like his binky! 
Bronson relaxing with Daddy

Love his lashes! 

June 23 - Hanging out at the park
June 24 - Bronson's blessing Day  - What a great day!   More details on this in another post.... 

June 25 - This is not a great picture, but this is Bronson laughing his first real laughs!  We had gone to dinner with my family for my mom's birthday and in the parking lot while we were getting in the car, Uncle Kyle was being silly with Bronson and got him to laugh!  It was so cute!  I guess he can stake claims as the favorite for now. 
June 26 - -TWO months old!  It happened way too quick!  He is not the sweet, soft, cuddly little newborn that he started out as!  He is so much more alert and squirmy.  I love his smiles and seeing his cute little personality start to develop.  And he already weighs in at a whopping 13 lbs 15 oz!!! 

We love our Bronson boy! 

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