Saturday, October 27, 2012

Kevin and Laurie's Wedding

June 5 - About a year and a half ago, we found out that Darren's brother, Kevin, was getting divorced.  It was a hard thing because our kids loved both Kevin and his wife, April.  It was hard to explain to our kids and it was hard to watch Kevin and his cute daughter, Haley, go through so much.  But, not long after, Kevin went to his high school reunion and met up with someone who he had dated in high school and they eventually started dating again.  We met Laurie for the first time at Thanksgiving and we immediately loved her!  She is so amazing and fun!  And Kevin was so happy!  So we were thrilled when we found out that they were getting married and so happy to be part of their big day!  The night before the wedding, there was a dinner at the Joseph Smith Building in Salt Lake.  It was such a nice dinner.  I don't know if I have ever been to one where people had SO many nice things to say about both the bride and groom.  Laurie has never been married before and has been waiting a long time and I am so glad that her and Kevin found each other.  Each of the siblings got up and presented them with a little gift that had some meaning or inside joke and told a story or something about them.  It was a really fun touch!  We had a great night learning more about Laurie and her family and celebrating with them.  And when Darren gets together with his brothers, there is always a lot of laughing!  It was a fun night!
 It was an adults only dinner, but since Bronson is still so little, he got to tag along, too. 
Daddy and Bronson with the temple view

June 6 - The next morning was the wedding. We slept at my mom's that night since we had come down for the dinner and had to be back at the temple again the next day. It was a bit crazy!  We had to get the kids to the babysitter in South Weber and then be to the temple and make sure Bronson was all fed and ready.  My cute niece, Madi, came to the temple and watched him so that we could both be in the sealing.  It was a beautiful ceremony and we are so happy for both Kevin and Laurie! 

Bronson fell asleep while we were waiting for the bride and groom to come out of the temple. 

Waiting outside the temple...  Katey, Cory (and some gang signs...) and Kim
Yeah for the newlyweds! 
Darren and his siblings.  Not great pics because I was trying to take them around the photographer. 

Me and Bronson at the temple
Doesn't Bronson look so cute all dressed up?  My friend Emily had the perfect little outfit for him to wear! 
After pictures, we went over to City Creek with Darren's family and got some lunch at the Blue Lemon.  It was delicious!  And I took a few more pics of Bronson in his outfit. 

 After lunch, we were in a hurry!  We had to go back to South Weber to get our kids from the baby sitters.  (They stayed with our good friends, the Bladen's.)  We still had to get all their clothes, so we had to make a stop at my mom's in Layton.  The plan was to get them all ready there, but we were running so late and Avery and Bronson were both asleep, so we just chucked everything in the car and started back down to Draper for the reception.  We got there about 10 minutes late and the kids were not dressed and the girls still had curlers in, but luckily everyone else was running late, too, so we had a few minutes to get everyone ready for pictures.  The above picture is the reception decor.  So cute! 

 I had the photographer take a picture of our family, too because we haven't really had one taken since Bronson was born. 

I don't have any of the pictures of the whole Webber clan.  I wish I did!  I also wish that we would have gotten some of the cousins.  They looked so cute!  Especially the all the girl cousins in their matching dresses. 

Mr Logan -  He was so excited to have a matching tie with Bronson! 

He hates his picture taken.  This is his new face when I tell him to look in the camera. 

Rylee girl

Miss Avery

Bronson - looking so handsome!


The reception was great!  The kids had a great time being with their cousins and I think Darren enjoyed seeing some old friends that he doesn't get to see a lot.  The food was really yummy!  They had snowcones, which the kids LOVED and lots of other fun treats, so I was happy, too! :) 
The girls were having so much fun.  They had some kind of train thing going while we were taking pictures.  Rylee was in heaven around all her girl cousins.  Especially Raegan!  We wish they lived closer! 

Bronson taking a snooze while we were taking pictures

My cute nephew Cameron

Rylee really wanted some pictures with Raegan.  Their older cousin Lauren coached this pose...  So funny! 

Logan and his cousin, Mason.  They are the funniest boys!  I think they just really GET each other.  They have so much fun when they are together.  I love the smiles in these pictures.  I couldn't get them to just take a picture.  They had to be silly or wrestle each other. 

My cute niece Chloe asked me to take a picture of her, too.  She is growing up!
Avery helping Daddy with Bronson

Grandpa Bill ordered pizza for everyone since we had to be there early for pictures.  There was a Groom's room with a huge tv and a pool table where we ate pizza and Logan loved hanging out there with his cousins during the reception.
Cousin Sophey and Avery enjoying their pizza.  
I love my Logan.  Kevin and Laurie had paper and crayons to make them a little note and then take your picture with it while you waited in line.  Cute Logan went and made this card for Kevin and Laurie and then went through the line all by himself - We didn't even tell him to!  Such a funny little man!
The girls enjoying their snow cones and treats.

The "GIRL" table.  Sadly, I missed a picture of all of them together.  Some of them left right before I went over to take the picture.  I love that my kids have so much fun with their cousins. 
Funny nephews Hayden and Parker

Sadly, we had to head home a little early and missed the end of the reception.  Darren had to be to work at 7 am the next morning and we had a 2 hour drive.  Avery was loving her movie on the way home! 

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