Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bronson - 6 weeks

Here are some pictures of Bronson from 4 weeks to 6 weeks old....
 May 27 - Logan and Daddy went to the air show and it got rained out!  So, they missed seeing the Thunderbirds fly and watched it on the Ipad the next day.  I thought it was so cute to see all three boys watching airplanes on the ipad together.
May 28 - We went to Webbers for a BBQ and swimming on Memorial Day.  It was the first time Bronson got to meet the family - Including little Bridger who was just 2 weeks old!   Bronson looked huge compared to baby Bridger!

Bronson had a great day meeting lots of aunts, uncles and cousins and getting lots of attention.  Especially from cousin Madi!  He also took a nap with Aunt Val. 
May 30 - Cute Baby Bronson at Logan's end of year program.  He is the best baby and travels really well!  He just hung out in his stroller the whole time.  He did start to get pretty mad at the end though. 
May 31 - FIVE weeks old!  Love those big eyes and chubby cheeks! 
He is starting to focus a lot more.  That also means that he seems to go cross eyed a lot... 

May 31 - Just snoozing in the bouncer.  He loves to be swaddled up and this swaddle blanket is one of his favorites.  I love how tiny he looks all wrapped up.  

June 1 - Bronson just hanging out - He has the sweetest little face!  

June 1 - We surprised the kids with a little getaway weekend to Salt Lake on the last day of school.  It was Bronson's first trip, although it wasn't a very exciting one.  We stopped for dinner at Applebee's and Bronson had his first major blowout!  That was a fun first!

Chilling in the stroller while the kids swam in the hotel pool.

June 2 - Bronson hanging out poolside at the hotel on our little vacation.  He was being so funny that morning!  Daddy was taking his binky and tickling his mouth with it and he was doing the biggest grins!  It was so cute!  He is starting to smile more and more!  We love it!  He seems to love Daddy and gives him the biggest grins when he talks to him.  He doesn't look too smiley here though...  I wish I would have had a camera with me at breakfast! 

Poor Bronson's pictures are always in his car seat....  After the hotel, we headed to Trafalga for some fun.  The kids had a blast.  I tried to keep him in the seat as much as possible because I was a little nervous about germs.  We hadn't been out in public much yet and that place was so crowded with little kids everywhere! 

June 3 - Looking chubby and starting to give some little smiles.  Of course, he never seemed to want to when I had the camera out! 

June 3 - Looking sweet all bundled up.  He loves that binky! 
June 4 - I caught cute Rylee reading to Bronson - So Sweet!
June 5 - Bronson smiled at mom for real for the first time a couple days before he turned 4 weeks old.  He looked up at her in the morning and did 2 big smiles in a row.  It was so sweet!  Since then, he smiles here and then, but when we went on our little vacation he was smiling all the time!  Daddy can get the best smiles from him, but they are hard to catch on camera!  This is one day when I caught some smiles from him. 
June 5 - Darren's brother Kevin got married in June.  Since Bronson is still so tiny, he got to tag along with Mom and Dad to the wedding dinner at the Joseph Smith building the night before their wedding.   It was a great night and Bronson was so sweet and a great baby! 
Daddy and Bronson with the temple view after dinner
June 6 - Bronson is SIX weeks old!  We spent the day at Kevin and Laurie's wedding with the family.  It was such a great day!  Bronson came with us to the temple in the morning since he is still too small to leave very long.  He had one of his first babysitters...cousin him while we were in the temple and he was great for her.  It was such a fun day and Bronson looked so handsome! 

A few pictures of Bronson at the wedding reception. 

Wearing his first little tie.  How cute!   Logan loved that he and Bronson matched! 

 And a few six week old pictures. 

A few more things about Bronson at 6 weeks...

He is so sweet and such a good baby!  He only cries when he is hungry or tired.  Otherwise, he is usually happy all the time!
He is now smiling all the time...unless I have the camera off!  Daddy seems to be able to get the most smiles from him.  Whenever Daddy talks to him, he gets the biggest grins!  And Daddy loves to tease him and tickle his mouth with his binky.  That gets some big grins, too.
He loves to be talked to.  When you talk to him, he just looks up at you and it is the sweetest thing ever!  He seems so focused!
He is getting so big and really chunking up...especially those cheeks!
Had a couple babysitters...  My good friend, Jenn Jackman, watched him the day I had to go to the school for Logan's unbirthday.  He was a bit fussy for her, but fell asleep in her arms.  His other babysitter was cousin Madi at the temple. 

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