Monday, October 29, 2012

Daddy's Day

June 17 - We have pretty much the best daddy ever.  Just sayin'.  So, we tried to give him a pretty special Father's Day.  He definitely deserves it.  I don't know if it was as fabulous as he deserved, but we tried to make it a special day.   With early church, we didn't have a ton of time for breakfast, so we ended up doing frozen breakfast sandwiches.  That was Logan's idea.  I think we did it last year and Logan insisted it it was our new tradition.  They loved giving him breakfast in bed and it was crazy getting off to church, so we had to wait until after church for presents. 

The kids were SO excited to give Daddy their presents!  It was hard to wait until after church.  They each made him a card and filled out a questionairre about him - Their answers were hilarious!  I'll post them below.  They also each painted him a rock - They picked the craft.  I gave them several options of things to make and that is what they chose - Paper weights.  They wrote things like "You Rock Dad" and painted them Aggie blue.

Opening his gifts - Logan gave him a Darth Vader book about dads.  It is kind of like a comic book and they have loved reading it together.   Rylee gave him a picture we had taken.

This picture.  Framed for his office.  What cute little Aggie fans!  

 Avery gave him a Aggie shirt with the new Aggie logo and Bronson gave him an Aggie hat. 

 They also got him a trophy card that played the Superman theme song. They love those kind of cards! And we do kinda think our daddy is Superman.  he does so much for all of us! 

Cute kids with Daddy

I don't know of too many daddy's who spend as much time playing with their kids as ours.  He is SO great to do fun things with them - play legos and Princesses, let them help him in the yard, take them on special lunch dates, let them tag along on his errands.  He really is the best.  He is so great with them and a great example for all of us and does so much to help me around the house.  Sometimes it hurts my feelings  a little how much my kids adore their dad.  I wish they looked at me the way they do him.  But I love that they love him so much and their favorite time of day is when he comes home from work. 

Here are their little questionarries and answers about daddy.  I will have to take pics of the cards and post them because their cute little handwriting makes it better. 

Avery's answers:

What is Daddy's name?  Darren
What does Daddy do for fun?  Play
What does Daddy do at work?  Fix someone's teeth
What are his favorite things to eat?  Chocolate coins
What does he like to drink?  Diet Coke
How old is Daddy?  2
How tall is Daddy?  Um...Big!  Giant Big!
What is Daddy's Hair like?  Black
How much does he weigh?  100 dollars
What makes Daddy the best?  Cuz I love his "hi-pad"
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?  Play Barbies and Dolls
How long have you known Daddy?  One hundred
Where did you and Daddy Meet?  At the Dream Hos-table!  (Logan was saying something about Logan Regional hospital, so Avery was trying to say that, but came out with Dream instead.  So cute!)

I loved cute Avery's answers!  She said some funny things.  I don't know where the chocolate coins came from but she definately knew about Diet coke!  And I love that she said he weighed "100 dollars". 

Rylee's Answers:
My Dad's Name is:  Darren
Dad is __ 02 __ years old - I think that was supposed to be 20
My dad is great at:  Soccer
When Dad was my age, he liked to :  Play outside
If you looked at my Dad, you might say he was...  Handsome  (I loved that answer!)
It would be cool if his name were.... Spongebob
His favorite color.... Green
Dad likes to cook.... Pancakes
When he's bored, my Dad likes to.... Play with me
My favorite thing we play together is... Play Princesses
I love my Dad because...  He plays with me

Logan's Answers:
What is Daddy's name?  Darren
What does Daddy do for fun?  Take naps
What does Daddy do at work?  Dentist
What are his favorite things to eat?  Chocolate
What does he like to drink?  Diet Coke
How old is Daddy?  32
How tall is Daddy?  6 feet
What is Daddy's hair like?  Spikish  (I loved that one!)
How much does he weigh?  175 lbs
What makes Daddy the best?  he's my dad
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?  Play
How long have you known Daddy?  6 years  (first he wrote 32 years and then he thought about it some more and changed it to 6...)
Where did you and Daddy meet?  Valley Hospital

Such fun cards!  Can you tell how much they love their Daddy??? 

We went to my parent's house for dinner.  My kids made similar cards for my Dad and I wish I had those answers, too.  They were so funny!  When we were there, I found the kids doing this - They were all laying under the apple tree with Grandpa eating an apple.  So cute!  Grandpa was also singing them some song about "you and me under the apple tree"  Rylee sings it now every time we go there.  So cute!  They have the best grandpa!  He would (and does) do anything for them!
 I tried to sneak some pictures without them noticing, but they caught me!
Rylee, Ethan, Gpa B and Avery

They LOVE grandpa! 
We are so lucky to have such great men in our lives!  The best daddy and Grandpas any kid could ever have!  Happy Father's Day to our special Daddys! 

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