Monday, October 29, 2012

Ry's First Tball Game

June 7 - Rylee played in her VERY first tball game!  Here she is standing in the outfield chewing on her mitt...  She did this the whole time that game and pretty much the whole season! Rylee wasn't sure she wanted to play tball this year, but since she and Logan could play on the same team, I decided it would be a good year to try it, when we didn't have to run to 2 different games at 2 different places.  They got to be on the same team - the Rays - and they were so much fun to watch!  I wasn't sure if Rylee would like it.  She isn't really the sporty type, or at least she doesn't show much interest.  I've tried to get her to play soccer and she doesn't want to, and the one season she did play, she spent most of the time holding her best friend's hand, or used the goal as a playhouse.
But, Rylee did really like tball.  She talked about it all the time and had a lot of fun playing.  Even if she did just stand in the outfield like this most of the time. 

Rylee's very first at bat...  It took her a couple of tries to connect and hit it outside of the circle for it to be a fair ball, but she finally did it.  I love the concentration on her face in some of these.  


Rylee especially loved running the bases.  I think it was her favorite part.  She thought everyone was cheering just for her the whole time, even when someone else was hitting.  I loved watching her run.  She is just so girly even when she runs -   Such a Princess! 

I love how she looks with that giant helmet on!  Like a little bobble head!  She was the only one small enough on her team to squeeze into the purple helmet. 
 Rylee also loved playing catcher - or as she calls it "put the ball on"  This was the only time she got to play it during the season, I think and it was her favorite position.  She always had the next ball in her mitt, ready to put on the tee and the rest of the balls all lined up and ready to go! Such a little organizer.  It was the perfect spot for her! 

I missed Rylee's first one to home with the camera.  I think I got it on video.  It was pretty funny though.  The coach told her to touch home, so she bent down and touched home plate with her hand, so lady like! Here she is running home the next time....

She knew how to "touch home" this time and didn't do it with her hand.  Love that smile!  She looks like she is SO proud! 

My cute little tball girl!

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