Thursday, October 4, 2012

First Grade

Here is a little post about Logan's 1st grade year.  It was a good one!
1st Day of 1st Grade...

And the LAST day of 1st Grade.  It is always fun to compare! 

I think this one is even more fun to see...  All my kids on the 1st day of school... 
And on the last!  Look how grown up my girls look!  One thing hasn't changed...  We are still not morning people and are still in PJs when Logan leaves for school at 8:30!

Here are some of Logan's Favorite things from his First Grade class:
Favorite Book (read in class):  Reptiles and Amphibians - It was actually a text book of Darren's that Logan took to school to share...  He loves looking at it!
Favorite Book Logan read:  A to Z Mysteries, Cam Jensen Books, Magic Treehouse Books (He couldn't just choose one)
Best Friends:  Carter B, James R, Spencer S
Favorite Subject:  I really like PE
Favorite School Lunch:  Cinnamon Pancakes or Pizza Hut Pizza
Favorite Field Trip:  The Treehouse Museum
Favorite Morning Center:  Legos and Zoobs and Wedge-its (I have no idea what most of these are..)
Favorite School Activity:  Pizza Parties and the Number Bandit 100 day of School Party
Best Part of the Day:  Math Class
Favorite Recess Activity:  Playing everything my friends came up with.  Ninjago, Man Vs Wild, Spies (but he said he didn't like that they couldn't be funny for spies...)  I wish I could be there to watch the recess!  He has some pretty funny descriptions of what they play.
Favorite thing learned in Science:  Snakes
Favorite thing learned in Math:  Fractions
Hardest Spelling Word:  Knuckles and Determined
Something you Wrote:  Monster Stories (They are really fun to read!)
Something you Made:  Snake Diorama and my Ferrari for the Drive In
What did you like about Ms Smith:  She was hilarious!  She did lots of fun things.
What are you excited for in summer:  Going to Hogle Zoo

Logan's teacher put together a really cute slide show of the year and sent me some of the pictures she used.  Most of them I hadn't seen before, so I decided to post them.  Some may be repeats, but here are some highlights of Logan's 1st Grade year. 

First Field Trip - The Pumpkin Walk
Logan with the Angry Birds Scene - This one was his favorite! 
Some of Logan's class - Back Row:  James, Carter, Noah   Front Row:  Shaylee, Tori, Gracie, Olivia, Selena, Logan and Spencer  These are the kids I worked with when I went in once a week to volunteer in Reading groups.  They were a great little group and so fun to work with and SO smart!

Logan's class doing silly faces.  Logan is on the back row in the blue and white and green striped shirt.
This was in November and was the day they had the spider contest against the parents.  Logan LOVED this day and especially loved that he beat the parents by so much.  He was even feeding us false information before so we wouldn't know the answers!  So sneaky!   Logan is on the back row to the left with the grey/white/red striped shirt. 
 Playing the driedel game at the Christmas party.  I was one of the room moms this year and loved going in to all the parties.  Their class was so cute and always so well behaved! 
Logan's class performing in one of the assemblies.  Logan is on the front row near with the center with the soccer ball on his shirt.

One of Logan's very best friends was in his class this year and moved in March.  Logan was really sad about it! His class got him this basketball and they all signed it.  I thought that was a really cute thing for his teacher to do.  He misses Carter a lot!
One of Logan's favorite days was Ms Smith's birthday.  She turned 30 this year and all the parents chipped in to get her a spa day, which Logan thought was so neat.  His favorite part was that they had a Justin Bieber party for her.  Whenever he hears a Justin Bieber song or anything about him, he always says something about how Ms Smith would freak out because she loves him so much.  It is pretty funny! 
Logan is in the back row of this picture.
Logan is the blurry one behind Ms Smith in this one.
These pictures are of the field trip to the Treehouse Museum.  It was Logan's favorite. This is him and his friend, Kade.  I was so sad I couldn't go with them this time.  They went right after I had Bronson in May.  Logan had such a fun day.  They went on 4 field trips this year - The pumpkin walk, USU, Hardware Ranch and the Treehouse Musuem.

At the Treehouse Museum, Logan got to be in a play.  It was Cinderella and he was one of the birds.  That is him in the white feathers.  It was his favorite part of the whole day.
 Logan and his teacher, Ms Smith, on the last day of school.  I picked Logan up at school that day so I could get a picture and then realized that I didn't have my camera battery in.  And I didn't have my phone.  Ms Smith had me use her phone and sent me the picture.  She is so great!  We were so lucky to have such a great teacher.  She really kept Logan challenged this year and he learned so much!  I was amazed with the spelling lists that he was working on and some of the writing he was able to do.  His portfolio is awesome! She had the most organized classroom and the kids were always so well behaved and working so hard.  She got Logan to really improve on his handwriting and take his time on things.  She was also a lot of fun in the classroom and Logan loved her silly songs and stories and just adored her! 

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