Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Merry Month of May

A long time ago, the month of May happened...  Here are some of the highlights and some random pictures.  Some may be repeats.  I can't remember what I have posted and what I haven't...  I'm hoping I get back on track with my blog soon....  This is a little ridiculous! 
May 1 - Feels like most of our month revolved around this little guy.  Here is Bronson at only 5 days old!  It definitely took awhile to get back into baby mode and especially to leave the house.  So we didn't leave the house much at first.  Partly because of germs and partly because it was just too hard with his eating and sleeping schedule!  By the time I would feed him and then get everyone ready to go, he would be ready to eat again.  But, I really didn't mind the down time.  I got in lots of snuggles and so did everyone else.  The kids fought over him constantly!  I thought that the novelty would wear off after awhile, but it still hasn't!  They still fight over him all the time.  Who can blame them though?  He is REALLY cute!

Ry taking a turn to hold Bronson.  She is loving being a big sister again.
 May 2 - Snuggling my little guy.  My favorite thing!  I wish he was still that tiny!  And I realize that I look like a tired mom in this picture.  I am!  I just read an interesting article.  Mom stays in the picture...  I am pretty good about taking pictures with my kids because I do want to be IN some of the pictures and not always just taking them, but I rarely post them because I look like a tired mom.  But, since that is what most of my life is right now, I guess that I should include them since I like my blog to be kind of a snap shot of our life.  And not too many people read this, so I feel pretty safe...
 May 2 - Logan built this General Grievous star fighter on his own with Duplo blocks.  He asked me to take a pic of it the night before but I got busy feeding the baby and fell asleep and forgot.  The next day, Avery took it all apart while he was at school.  He was FURIOUS when he got home!  (There was a serious fit involved...)  Luckily, we got it rebuilt and took a pic this time!
 He loves his Legos!  I like it when he builds creative things instead of just the sets.  It is fun to see what he comes up with. 
 May 3 - Logan all ready for his field trip to the Treehouse Museum in Ogden.  He had a great time, although he said it wasn't as fun as he hoped because he didn't get much free time.  He got to be in a play and was a bird in Cinderella.  He had a fun day!

 May 3 - Baby Bronson turned one week old! 
 Snuggling with Daddy
May 4 - Like I said, most of our time was all about our sweet new little baby boy.  This is pretty much what the girls wanted to do all day. I wish I would have gotten more candid pictures like this of them all loving on Bronson.  It was a pretty regular thing. Especially if he happened to open his eyes.   I am so amazed that Bronson survived all the love he has gotten from his big sisters.  I love how much they love him though!  I just wish they were a BIT more gentle! 

Just plain cute! 
May 6 - Whenever I get out the camera to take pictures of Bronson (which is pretty frequent...)  Avery insists I take a picture of her, too. This is Bronson at 10 days old. 
Then Logan wanted a picture, too.
And then Rylee.
May 6 - Napping with Daddy.  I'm pretty sure that we fought about who got to take their Sunday nap snuggled up next to Bronson.  I think Darren only won because I get to do it more often and probably took one while he was at church. 

May 7 - Because so much time was being devoted to the new baby and we didn't leave the house much, I wasn't too worried about what clothes the girls wore or hair or anything.  Avery really doesn't let me pick out her clothes much anymore anyway.  This day, Avery got herself dressed and managed to squeeze both legs in one hole of her shorts.  She looked so funny! 

Funny shorts and a backwards shirt...
Little duck tail
May 9 - We have an outside fridge where we keep some things that won't fit in our regular fridge.  Mostly drinks, but sometimes other things.  Lately, we keep finding Avery sneaking into it!  On this day, Avery found a chocolate pie in the fridge in the garage while the kids were out helping Daddy in the yard and she helped herself...over and over again!  It took awhile to figure out where she was getting chocolate from.  Little stinker!
And she is wearing her favorite thing - Jammies!  Elmo ones.  Some things just aren't worth the battle!
How do you get mad at that little face? 
Rylee talking to Bronson
May 10 - Bronson turned 2 weeks! 

May 10 - This was Rylee's last official day of dance class.  She had one more week, but they did pictures that day.  She loved taking dance.  I was a little sad when she decided not to take again. 

May 11 - One of our biggest projects in May was some serious yard work.  When I say we, I really mean Darren...  I wasn't really able to help after having a C Section and with all the baby feedings and stuff.  We got all the plants for our front 2 flower beds and Daddy spent all weekend putting them in.  The kids helped, too.  Logan was hard to get to help, but Rylee LOVED it and helped him all day and loved learning about the flowers and was so proud of her work.  Avery liked helping too but got a little distracted and sometimes wasn't as much help as she wanted to be...
Our little gardener - She was such a big helper for Daddy! 
Digging in the dirt! 
Daddy hard at work!  I think he had to dig about 75 holes for all the plants we put in!  I wish I would have gotten better pictures of the yard before and after.  He put in so much work and it looks amazing now. 

Avery and Bronson - A size comparison

May 12 - I love this picture of Bronson
May 12 - Day 2 of helping in the yard and Rylee is still hard at work!  She even dug some of her own holes to plant in!  I wish we could get Logan to help! 

The front flower bed all planted

The second flower bed.  SO much digging!  I was so glad that Rylee was such a good helper for Daddy because he worked so hard.  He was so proud of her and loved her company and she was so proud of her work.  She loved showing me the holes she dug and telling me the names of all the flowers. 
May 13 - Mother's Day.  I am SO blessed! 
May 14 - More fighting over holding Baby Bronson.  At least he is a little bigger now (2 1/2 weeks) so it isn't quite as scary. 

Avery's turn

May 17 - Momma and Bronson on his 3 week birthday.  Still no sleep, but he is so worth it! 
May 18 - Thought this was funny watching these two play phones together.  Avery is such a little techy.  She loves all electronic devices!  She is always stealing my phone or Daddy's "Hi-pad" and she can pretty much play anything she wants.  It amazes me how she can swipe through the menus and find what she wants. 

May 18 - Avery was sitting on the stairs reading so cute.  Then I took her picture and she saw me... 
May 19 - Finished up another season of soccer

May 19 - We got out the backyard pool for the first time - They kids were so excited!  It was still a little cold, but they didn't seem to mind!  Yeah for summer!
Love these swimmers!
Afterwards, they decided to lay out to warm up.  Love it! 

May 19 - Daddy and Logan built a sweet Ferrari for Logan's drive in at school - They did a great job.  (Mostly Daddy) and were really into it!
Another one of Avery's fabulous outfits.  I love this little fashionista!  Rocking the jammies, shades and some OLD tennis shoes from the hand-me-down box. 

May 20 - More snuggles with Daddy

May 21 - Rylee got to have a PJ party at school and watch a movie.  She took her pillow and blanket and wore her princess jammies - I think it was her favorite day of the whole year!
May 22 - Since Mommy was busy with the baby, these girls did their own hair.  With help from each other, of course.
May 23 - Daddy talking to Bronson.  I love how Bronson just looks up at him so sweet.  He seemed to be so alert and aware so early and I loved how he would just stare up at you with his BIG dark eyes.
He looks like he has something really important to say

May 24 - I got the camera out to take some pictures of Bronson at 4 weeks old and guess what?  Everyone wanted to hold him...  Again!  Rylee somehow always seems to get to go first! 

Avery looking so proud!
Logan's turn
May 24 - Watching a soccer game with Daddy.  We like to start 'em out young!  
Rylee with a picture she drew.  I think it was for Uncle Jeff.
May 25 - By the end of the month, we had to start venturing out a little more because we had some pretty big events.  Rylee graduated from preschool! 
These two can be the cutest sisters... 

May 26 -  Daddy took Logan to the Air Show at Hill Air Force Base with Uncle Brian, Uncle Kevin, Uncle Chris, Uncle Cory and Uncle Kyle.  They had a fun boys day.  Unfortunately, it DUMPED rain on them and they postponed the Firebirds and since Rylee had a dance recital that night, they couldn't wait it out.  They were pretty bummed!  But, Logan still had a great time and has now found a new obsession - Airplanes!  He is really into them and loves to learn about them and look at pictures of them on Daddy's ipad. 

May 26 - We also survived our very first dance recital.  Rylee did so great! 
May 26 - Bronson turned ONE month!  I hate how fast that first month flies by.  Especially when you are sleep deprived!

How he survived a month with these 2 crazy girls is a bit of a miracle! 
May 27 - The boys and their Ipad

May 28 - We spent our Memorial Day going to Grandma and Grandpa Webber's house to BBQ and swim with cousins.  It was a great way to kick off summer!  And Bronson was finally able to meet most of his aunts, uncles and cousins on the Webber side.  Even cute little Bridger who was born a couple weeks after Bronson.  They are only 2 weeks apart, but I think Bronson is TWICE as big!

 The kids had so much fun with their cousins!  I couldn't get them out of the pool!  Avery was hilarious and just floated around in her little tube all day!  She usually would have double protection - her floaties and a tube.  My camera was in a different mode than I thought, so my pictures ended up being really overexposed.  Bummer... 

Avery relaxing in her floatie
Logan - He and Mason had SO much fun together! 

My Ry girl - Sadly this swimsuit totally faded after this day in the pool.  I was so bummed! 

Avery and cousin Haley - She is so good to help with the little kids and Avery had so much fun with her all day! 

May 30 - Logan had an end of first grade program.  He has learned so much this year!  We will really miss his teacher and his class!
 May 31 - Logan ready for his Read-a-Thon at school.  He had never had one before and he was really excited!  Especially to take his own snacks and to wear his PJs. 

May 31 - Bronson is 5 weeks old.  It is so crazy how much difference one little month makes when they are this young.

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