Friday, October 26, 2012

School's Out, Part 2

June 2- Day 2 of our little get-a-way had a few more fun surprises.  We started out the morning with a yummy breakfast at the hotel.  (I LOVE free hotel breakfasts!  It is so much easier with little kids to not have to leave the hotel.)  At breakfast, Daddy was holding Bronson and talking to him.  He kept putting Bronson's binky in and out of his mouth and tickling around his mouth with it and Bronson was doing the BIGGEST, sweetest grins.  It was one of the first times that he was doing a lot of smiles.  I was so sad I didn't have my camera with me...

After breakfast, we HAD to go back to the pool and get in a little more swim time.  The kids had so much fun at this pool!  I think it was totally worth the money.  They were a little strict about their wristband policy.  You had to have one to get in, and we were supposed to only have 4 for our room and they were weird about giving us more.  Luckily, I snuck in pretty easy with Bronson and the guy patrolling didn't really seem to care.  He did send some other people away though. 
Just lots of swimming pictures.  And smiles!  I think swimming and smiling goes together for these kiddos.  They were having a blast! 

And this guy.  I just LOVE him!  What can I say?  He is SO dang sweet!  He hung out with me on the side of the pool again.  He had a little swim suit and I debated about getting in with him, but I decided to wait a little longer.  He was so good to just hang out.  Such a chill guy! 

Daddy pulling Avery into the little water fountain.  She was NOT sure about it! 

The girls ready to go back to the room.  We had to leave because it was check-out time and Rylee wasn't too happy about that, if you can't tell... 
After we got out of the hotel, (which took some doing....  The kids did NOT want to leave!) we hit the road for another fun surprise!  Avery is so funny in the car with her sunglasses! 
We needed lunch before our next adventure, so we stopped at the McDonald's off the freeway exit of where we were headed.  It had a play land so the kids were so happy!  Avery was our little movie star!  She was cracking me up with these sunglasses.  She also insisted on walking back to the car backwards when we were done - Everyone in the place was cracking up at her!  She is such a funny girl and her own little person.

Happy Meals! 

Speaking of movie stars, look at this little diva!  She told us she was a movie star when she got out of the car and put on her shades.

Our next surprise was a trip to the Trafalga Fun Center in Lehi.  We bought the Pass of all Passes this summer and it included free admission to Trafalga, so we figured we should try it out.  We didn't really know what to expect, but when we pulled up, the kids went CRAZY!  They were so excited!  It took awhile to get our passes and our pictures taken and then we were ready for fun!   And then it started raining...Kind of put a damper on our plans!!!  They closed all the fun stuff outside! It was kind of a bummer but we found some fun things to do. 
Logan got in trouble for something.  I can't remember what.  I think he wouldn't leave the McDonald's play land and then had a bit of an attitude or something...  Anyway, his punishment was to sit off the first ride, which was supposed to be the Go Carts.  The line was long and by the time the girls got close, it had started to rain and it was closed.  So, he didn't end up with much of a punishment.  But, I did make him take some pictures with Bronson, so maybe that was a good punishment. He hates my constant picture taking.  Aren't they the cutest brothers??? 

Since they closed the racers, we decided to try the mini golf, so we stood in line and got some clubs and stuff.  It was only sprinkling when we went in to get them, so we figured it would be fine.  By the time we got out, it was POURING rain.  So, we ended up going to the black light indoor golfing.  The only problem was that is what everyone else did in the rain so it was SO crowded and hot.  The kids had a great time golfing though.  Or kind of golfing.  It was a bit crazy! 

Just about the only other thing to do indoors was this hopper ride.  Rylee is usually my dare devil, but she was too nervous to try it for some reason.  Avery and Logan LOVED it!!!  Avery even started doing this funny fake scream like the big teenage girls that were riding it!  They were so funny!  I love all the faces they are making in these pictures. 

After a few rides on the Hopper, the rain let up so we went back outside.  They still hadn't opened the Go Carts because they said the track had to be totally dry, but the little bumper boats were open so we waited for that. 

Isn't he the cutest guy ever???  I was a bit freaked when we had to be inside with all the GERMS at that place, but he was so good the whole day! 
Daddy was a good sport to ride the bumper boats with Logan and Avery (Rylee (and Mommy) didn't want to get wet...)  Daddy actually hates to get wet, too, but he agreed to go so the kids could ride it since they needed an adult.  He wanted to stay as dry as possible, but they ended up soaked!  One of the other dads heard Darren talking in line about how he didn't want to get wet, and he really went after him.  He even pushed them into the waterfall!  The boats had guns and all the little kids could spray and then they were small enough to duck under the spray from other boats, but Darren was too tall to get away from it.  It was pretty least for me who stayed dry... 

Right before it was time to go, they opened up this airplane ride and the kids were really excited!  They rode it several times in a row because there was no line and had a lot of fun! 

They never reopened the go karts, so that was kind of sad, but we did talk Rylee into trying the Hopper and she had a lot of fun!  (This ended up being the ride that Logan had to sit off of for his consequence, so that is why he isn't there...) 

After this fun surprise, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Webber's for a family BBQ for Kevin and Laurie's wedding.  We got together so we could meet Laurie's family.  It was a lot of fun and there was swimming and cousins involved so the kids were thrilled! 
And Rylee had another fun surprise because cousin Raegan was there!  They drove in from Texas for the wedding and got in that day, so they came to the BBQ.  These two are such cute little friends. 
The girl cousins put on a little play/recital.  They have so much fun at Grandma's house! 

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