Friday, October 26, 2012


I guess I should just get used to blogging 5 months behind.  It seems to be the usual thing for me, so I will quit making excuses...   Here is a recap of June.  I can't believe this was so long ago and we have already had our FIRST snow! I miss summer! 
 June 1 - The last day of school!!!  Hurray! 
Logan all ready for his LAST day of FIRST grade!

For the last day of school, we surprised the kids with a little getaway to Salt Lake and stayed at a hotel.  They loved it!  More details on that in another post... 
June 3 - Rylee was cracking us up on this Sunday.  She loves to help Daddy in the kitchen and she put together this funny outfit and decided she was the waitress for our "restaurant" for dinner.  She was taking our orders in a Southern accent and calling everyone sweetie and honey bun.  It was hilarious!  I love her cute imagination! 

(Don't mind the lovely handprints on the fridge in the background...)
June 4 - I caught cute Rylee reading to Bronson - So sweet!  Logan was busy reading his own book, too and Avery was watching one of her shows. 

I love lazy summer days like this! 

June 5 - Logan and one of his new Lego creations - He is so funny lately and always wants me to take pictures of them so he can remember what he builds!
June 6 - Uncle Kevin and Aunt Laurie's wedding!  What a great day!
June 7 - Look at these cute little teammates!  Logan and Rylee started tball!  More on that to come, too... 

June 9 - My camera wasn't working but we took Bronson to his first movie and he did awesome!  We saw Madagascar 3.  So cute!  Bronson made it through the whole thing and just nursed and slept and never even cried!  The kids LOVED the movie and walk around singing, "da da duh da duh da duh da circus...."
June 9 - Bronson turned 6 weeks old!  Cute Avery is in love with Bronson and wants to hold and him and take her picture with him all the time.  I'm glad that he is getting a little sturdier.  It makes me a little less nervous about all her loving on him.  I hope he can survive his big sister's many hugs! 

June 10 - Bronson made his first trip to church. 
Isn't he handsome? 

Sunday naps with Daddy are a favorite. 

June 10 - It was Sunday afternoon and our kids were upstairs having "Quiet time" where they are supposed to be reading or playing quietly in their rooms.  (Sunday afternoons get really long and they usually need a break from each other and I do, too!)   I was working on downloading some pictures and all of a sudden I smelled a VERY strong nail polish smell - I went upstairs and found this mess on the toilet and Avery hiding in the toy room dressed like this with her nails painted...all by herself!  I kept asking her if she did it and she would look away and not answer and when I asked what she had been doing she said "I been doing nofin'" She also kept hiding her hands behind her back so I wouldn't see them!  Little stinker!  
How do you get mad when she looks like this?  I couldn't stop laughing! 

Another favorite Sunday activity is writing letters and drawing pictures for Uncle Jeff on his mission.  This one of Logan's was one of my favorites.  I like that he wrote the date at the top.  It says, "Jeff, My sisters are a MESS.  I'll be in 2nd grade.  its summer.  I went to some fun suprises!  A hotel, trafalga, madagascar 3.  From Logan"  (Then he has a spy code on the bottom.)  He was also very excited that he spelled Madagascar by himself with no help. 
 Rylee drew this picture for Uncle Jeff.  When she drew Jeff she wanted to make sure she drew some boy parts....  I don't know where she came up with that, but it kind of made me laugh.  
Rylee's picture of herself
Avery's letter.  It says, "Dear Uncle Jeff,   I love you!  I've been playing lots!  I like to do dance recitals for my Mom and Dad.  I love to go swimming!  I love you!  love, Avery"  I love her little scribbles that are starting to look more and more like real letters.  Whenever I ask her what she wants to say to Uncle Jeff in his letters, she just says "I love you" about 4 or 5 times.  It is so sweet!
June 11 - Cute Bronson is smiling more and more and we LOVE it! 

June 13 - Bronson 7 weeks old and Avery photobombing again!
All my monkeys! 

June 14 - Spending time at Tball.  The kids played almost every Tues and Thur for June and some of July.  We were at the ball park a lot!
June 14 - Logan went to a day camp at our new neighbor's house this week.  She runs a preschool and does some little day camps during the summer.  It was a sports camp and they played lots of fun things all week and he loved it!  I gave him the option to go to Real Salt Lake soccer camp or Aggie Basketball camp and he chose this camp! It was cheap and close to home so it was great and he had so much fun!
June 14 - My littles - Avery loves to "help" Bronson put in his binky.  And lately she has been stealing them and using them, too.  She NEVER took a binky as a baby, but all of a sudden she is interested in them. 
June 15 - We found the girls sleeping on their floor one night after bedtime.  I guess they decided to have a little sleepover. 

June 15 - Monkeys on the bed! 

June 15 - The kids set up their toys like this to play together and they were quite proud of it!  It took them a long time.  Logan complained that Rylee just always wants to "set Up" and it takes forever and they never get to play!  I love how organized everything is.  It is definitely Rylee's planning! 

June 17 -  We celebrated our amazing daddy!  More on that in another post...

June 21 - Rylee's turn for a day camp!  I let her choose one since Logan got to go to one.  She chose one about the senses. It was Mon-Thursday.  She had so much fun making slime and other stuff and she was so proud of her birdhouse and hung it in our tree!

June 21 - While Rylee was at Day camp, these kids built this big robot out of legos and were so proud of their creation and had to have a pic!

June 22 - Spent the day at Seven Peaks with cousins.  More pictures coming on this one, too.

 June 23 - Mommy had to go to a bridal shower for her cousin, so Dad took the kids to the Airforce Museum.  We have always talked about going there, but we never have and Logan has been a bit obsessed with planes since Darren took him to the airshow in May.  He loved it and can't quit talking about all the planes and their wingspans and how much they all cost.  Such a funny boy!  This is him with the B1 - his second favorite. He loved his day at the museum and it was free!
 The girls loved the cute "mini" planes. 
 Logan saluting at the SR-71 Blackbird, this was the highlight of his day at the museum!
 They finished off their day with a date to the Real Game!  Logan was in heaven!  Perfect day for him!  
June 23 - While Daddy and Logan went to the RSL soccer game, the girls and I and Bronson went to the park with Uncle Kyle, Cyril (the french exchange student), Uncle Jay, Aunt Heather and Ethan.  Such a cute park, but SOOO hot!!! The girls were SO red and I could barely stand to leave the shade.  We didn't stay too long.  We got some pizzas and had dinner and they tried out the playground for a little bit. 
Avery and Ethan are so funny.  They are such cute little buddies lately and like to do everything together! 

Bronson hanging out in the shade. 

Not sure why they were hugging like this.  Such funny girls! 

June 24 - We blessed our sweet little Bronson at our house.  We also had Logan's birthday party.  It was a little crazy.  More on that to come. 

Logan and his Ninjago cake at the family party. 
June 25 - This summer, I decided that I needed to plan some fun activities to get us out and about.  If you can't tell by the amount of pictures in jammies, we spent a lot of time just hanging out at home since Bronson was born and I knew we needed to get out a bit more in the summer.  So, I started a little Facebook group and each week I would post a place to go for the week.  Usually just a park or something.  It was always something different.  Some weeks there would be 10 people there and some weeks just 2, but it was always fun and gave us something to do and got me out of the house.  On this day, the trip was to the Splash Pad.  Our friends the Chandlers and the Wosniks came.  It was one of the smaller groups, but we had a lot of fun.  The kids had fun running through the water (except Avery...she wasn't into it...) and on the playground. 

This actually was a bit of a LONG day for us.  Before the splash pad, we met up with some of my dearest and oldest friends, the McKinstry twins, at a park in Brigham for lunch.  I am still mad I didn't get any pictures because I hardly ever see them!  We had a great time. Lots of chatting!  I love those girls!  Just as I started back into the canyon for the Splash Pad, Aunt Heather called to see if we could go to dinner in Brigham for Grandma B's dinner so we ended up driving back down after our Splash Pad playdate!  Crazy day!

Logan with Olivia and Nora
Avery decided to stay dry.  She didn't like the little fountains for some reason. 

June 25 - Our second trip to Brigham City on this day.  This time for Grandma B's birthday dinner.  Daddy ended up working late and we were SO late getting to Wingers.  Such a crazy day of driving!  Here is Avery playing with cute little Robin. 

Since Logan's birthday was also this week, he got a special birthday dessert, too. 
Logan and Grandma with their birthday treats.  And Uncle Brad in the middle. 

While we were getting into the car, Uncle Kyle made Bronson laugh for the first time!
June 26 - Bronson turned 2 months! 

 June 26 - Avery had a little lunch date with dad to the Chinese restaurant by our house.  Our kids have the best daddy who always tries so hard to spend time with them and they love their special dates with him!

Avery playing some Leapster at yet another Tball game. 

June 26 - Our neighbors  have an awesome cotton candy machine and they make it a couple times a month.  After the tball game, we stopped by for a quick treat.  The kids LOVE them some cotton candy!!!
Cotton Candy faces! 

June 27 - Logan turned SEVEN! 

Bronson talking to Daddy.  So cute! 

Love those big smiles!  He loves his daddy!  He is starting to get such a cute little personality, too. 
June 28 - Bronson had his 2 month well check and first shots - He was pretty sad for a couple days afterwards and he poor little legs were so tender!  I felt awful!  Nothing is worse than them looking up in your face and then seeing the how sad they are from the shot!  He calmed down pretty quick though!  The dr said he was perfect - something we already knew!  He weighed a whopping 13 lbs 15 oz which totally shocked me!  It was 92%!  He also was 24 inches - 84% and 41 1/2 cm head circumference 83%;
June 29 - Our first family trip to Lagoon!  We had SO much fun.  More on that day in another post!  What a busy month!!!

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