Friday, August 20, 2010


My kids have been playing so cute together lately. They have been doing a lot of playing Disneyland since we got home from vacation. The other day they were pretending to ride rides and then they would give each other little presents and say it was from one of the gift stores. Logan gave Rylee a space ring from the Space Mtn gift shop and Rylee was giving Logan car after car from CarsLand (which isn't open yet, but my kids like to pretend...).
Yesterday, it was a lot of Luke and Leia while they played Star Wars and the day before they were playing "Wipeout" and had built some sort of obstacle course. When I called Rylee, she said, "I'm stuck on the Shakeolater" (I have NO idea how you spell that...)
Just now I went upstairs to find all their stuffed animals "tucked in" on pillows and blankets in a nice straight line across most of the toyroom (totally Rylee's doing) and Rylee tucking Logan in and Logan commenting on what a nice camp they had made. They told me they were playing Camp Minnie and Mickey and they were on their way to Disneyland. Logan was wearing a jersey and he said they had to stop for Mickey's college baskteball game. SO cute!
Then, while I was giving Avery a bath, I hear this funny little song that Logan is chanting. (A little background. One of his favorite books as a baby was Brown Bear, Brown Bear and his nursery teacher used to sing it in a song, which is what he was doing, but he changed the words. Another side note, he is obsessed with the TV show Wipeout right now, which is what all the things he is singing about are, if you haven't seen the show....)
Logan's Song
Bruiseball, Bruiseball, what do you see? I see the Wipeout Zone looking at me
Wipeout Zone, Wipeout Zone, what do you see? I see the Big Balls looking at me
Big Balls, Big Balls, what do you see? We see the Gutbusters looking at us
Gutbusters, Gutbusters, what do you see? We see the Cinnastairs looking at us
Cinnastairs, Cinnastairs,what do you see? We see people cheering for us
People, People, what do you see? We see the scoreboard looking at us
Scoreboard, Scoreboard, what do you see? I see the obstacles looking at me
Obstacles, Obstacles, what do you see? (Then, somehow, it changed to Star Wars...another obsession) We see Star Wars looking at us
Star Wars, Star Wars, what do you see? We see Luke looking at us
Luke, Luke, what do you see? I see the Millennium Falcon looking at me
This kept going with Millennium Falcon, Y Fighter, Death Star, Darth Vader, Wookie, Jawas, Tai Fighter and a few more....
After I finished Avery's bath, I realized he was using his legos to build most of the things he was chanting about and changing them for each new thing. It was hilarious! How how I love my funny kids!!!

1 comment:

Kim McCann said...

Ha funny! I love it! Especially the wipeout song. That's the best show ever! :)