Monday, August 23, 2010

Rylee's Soccer Season

I posted some of the pictures from soccer, but never finished them all. WAY back in April and May, Rylee played in a little indoor soccer league. It was her first experience with team sports, or really anything just for her and she had a great time. I'm not sure there was much soccer actually played, but Ry loved it!
April 13 - Looking cute with brother and ready for her first big game! They both played on Tuesday nights, so it made things a little crazy at our house. Daddy hated missing Rylee's first game, but he was coaching Logan and couldn't make it in time. He missed out on some pretty entertaining stuff...
Before she was all the way ready, she was running around in JUST her PINK shinguards and diaper. She was REALLY excited about the pink shinguards!

Silly girl with the pink shinguards. Did I mention she likes pink?
Isn't she the cutest soccer player you have ever seen?
She always stands with her hands on her hips. I love it! It is so her attitude! The indoor gym had terrible lighting, so none of the pictures turned out very good.
It looks like she might actually be going after the ball in this picture, so I had to include it, because that didn't happen all that often. I think she was mostly there to socialize.
Rylee and her best friend, Maddie holding hands. She was SO excited to be on a team with her cute little best friend. This is how they ran around for most of the game. Rylee was dragging her or pushing her, or they just did their own thing. Notice that they match - Jenn (Maddie's mom) and I totally shopped separately for the girls' stuff, but ended up with the same shorts and shin guards - The girls loved being twins!
Rylee and Maddie doing their own thing - They also liked to use the goal as a house and climb inside. My favorite part of the whole game was when they both stood in the middle of the field with people running all around them and started pulling faces and sticking their tongues out at each other. It was priceless!!! Those girls make some great silly faces.
Cute girls with their treat - The best part of playing soccer!
Rylee ready for another game (April 20)
Taking a drink break
Hands on her hips again
April 27 - Rylee wanted some soccer bows. I think part of her big excitement for soccer had to do with the accessories.... Pink shinguards, Pink shorts and BOWS! Of course, I didn't get around to making them for a couple weeks after the season started, and Maddie's mom made hers before I did, so then Rylee REALLY wanted them and wanted them to be JUST LIKE Maddie's. When I finished them, she was a little upset because they weren't quite the same as hers. They were pretty darn close, but not quite. I finally convinced her it is OK to be a little different and then she loved her new bows.
Rylee and Maddie doing something other than playing soccer again. They are so cute though!

Going for the ball again - I think she kicked the ball about 5 times during the season, and most of those probably were because the ball just rolled into her, not on purpose. But, she was SO proud whenever she did kick the ball. It was adorable! I loved her excited face!

May 6 - Ready for the last game. She played for 4 weeks, 2 times a week (Tues/Thurs). We missed a game when we went out of town and she had the flu for one game, so we went to 6 games. Her team kind of struggled - I think the kids were all pretty small and none of them really got into it, but they had fun!

Yep...hands on hips again!
We did a little bit of everything, except kick the ball. Here she is sliding on the floor. I could say she was going for a slide tackle, but there isn't anyone else anywhere near her.
Then she started walking around on her knees, and she actually did kick the ball this way, well, kind of....
More knee walking
Laying on her there a soccer game going on???

I guess all that playing tired her out!
Hands on hips again! I don't know why, but this just cracks me up!
Now she is a doggie...

Playing in the goal - If only we could get her to take the ball in there...
Ry and Maddie at the end of their game. They are such cute little friends.

Ry's end of season picture - It was snowing the day of her game! Good thing she played indoors!!! It might not have been the most successful season, from a sports stand point, but Rylee had so much fun and it was so great for her to have something that was HERS to do, since she has been going to Logan's stuff for so long. It might not have been good soccer, but her games were definitely VERY entertaining! Way to go baby girl!!! We love you!

In a related note, I just saw that fall soccer signups are starting soon. I asked Ry if she wanted to play and she said NO! I guess it wasn't that fun. She said she wants to try "gynastics" and she wants me to "catch her when she swings off that big bar" and walks on the "bean". Sounds like another funny adventure!!!

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