Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Logan's Soccer Season

Since I posted Rylee's soccer season, I figured I should also post Logan's. These first pictures are actually from the end of the season, but they are the cutest, so I thought I'd put them first. Look at that soccer player pose.... Logan had so much fun this year! He played outdoor soccer for the first time and was on a team with lots of his friends from our ward and neighborhood. He loved it!
April 13 - Here are Logan and Rylee all ready for their first game

Logan all ready in his full uniform. In the other league he played in, they only had T-shirts, so he was SO excited that he got a full uniform, and even had socks. He looks like an official soccer player now!

Acting cool - and don't mind my piles of laundry in the background. He was a little bummed he had to wear a shirt underneath his uniform. It was freezing! We learned that bad thing about outdoor soccer is the crazy spring weather!!!

Logan off and running at his first game. I had to go to Ry's game, so I only got a few pictures before I had to leave. I love the way he runs - It is hard to describe but always makes me giggle. He is so funny to watch! He likes to watch what is going on and cheer for everyone so much, sometimes he forgets he is supposed to play, too.

Trying to capture his running - He is going so fast, it is all blurry...hehe

Not sure what he is doing here....

He is so cute!

April 20 - A few of Logan's games had nice weather...I think about 3 or maybe 4... I don't know what he is doing in this picture, but it is just so Logan. I don't really know how to describe it. It is just him... He might be doing some announcing. Sometimes he thinks he is the sportscaster instead of the soccer player.

April 24 - Kicking the ball - Yeah! Logan really improved this season and did better and better as the season progressed. He still isn't really aggressive, but he got in there more and more and even came SO close to scoring a few goals, which was a little rare on his team. He is a great dribbler when he gets the ball.

Off in his own world....

May 1 - Another cold soccer day - Going for it again! Way to go Logan!!!

Daddy helping with a throw in

Love the tongue out!

May 11 - This day it was raining and FREEZING! He was SO mad we made him wear a hat!

His cute run

Look at that kick!

Goal kick

May 15 - Logan's cute soccer team at their last game. He loved playing with these guys (and girls)! They were just about all playing for the first time, so they struggled a little (or maybe a lot in terms of the score of their games...) but they had so much fun playing together and improved a ton! Almost all of their practices were rained out because we had so much crazy spring weather, but they started picking things up and were so much better at the end of the season. Backrow boys: James, Seth, Morgan and Kaya Front Row: Andrea, Isaac, Nora and Logan

The team with their cute coach! Darren had so much fun coaching these kids, even if they didn't win many (ok...ANY) games.

Logan running down the field. The last day of soccer was beautiful! It was the perfect Spring weather. The kids had 2 games, and in between we took pictures and had a little party with cupcakes and the kids got medals. I don't know if it was such a great idea because I think the kids were a little tired for their second game. This game was great! It was against more kids from our ward, and they hadn't won a game either, so it was a great match-up! It looked like we were going to get the easy win - I think we went up 3-0 or something like that, but then they scored a bunch, and it looked like we might lose. We scored a last second goal to end in a tie - I think it was 5-5, so it was a great way to end the season for both teams. When the kids figured out they tied, Logan's little friend Morgan said, "You mean we BOTH lose?" Funny! We count it as a win, or at least a moral victory.

In the goal with his little crush, Nora. I don't think they were supposed to have goalies, but our kids seemed to like guarding the goal anyway.

Love this pose - He is looking serious!

Logan and his coach, Dad! He loves that his dad coaches him and Darren has so much fun doing it. I love my boys! Great season guys!!!

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