Saturday, August 7, 2010

April Recap

This post has been done for about a month, but somehow, it never got posted! Where is my brain??? April was a super busy month at our house! Here is a recap, just a few months later....

We started the month with Cory and Katie's wedding on April 2nd. So fun!
We also celebrated a really fun Easter on Sunday, April 4th.
Rylee went for her 3 year well-check appointment. Here are her stats:

Avery had her 6 month appointment. Here are her stats:

Logan is such a cute big brother. Here he is reading to Avery while we waited for her prescription. She had another ear infection. What a sad day for her! I always feel like the worst mom when they tell me she has an ear infection and I have no idea that she is even sick! She is just too good of a baby!
My brothers spent some of their Spring Break hanging out at our house. Can you tell how much my kids love their uncles??? (April 7)
Avery sporting piggies and trying out her Exersaucer! She loves it! (April 7)
I celebrated my 29th birthday with the kids and Darren by going to Baby Animal Days and out to dinner. Avery is looking like she had a bit too much sun in this picture - She has some rosy cheeks. (April 8)
This is my cute Ry showing off how she feeds her babies. It makes me laugh how she walks around with her shirt pulled up and "nurses" her dolls and stuffed animals. (April 9)
I wanna pinch those cute cheeks!!! I guess she thinks they eat out of your belly....That is OK for now!
Rylee makes a cute nerd! Uncle Jeff gave her these funny glasses. (April 10) I think they were actually 3D glasses from a movie he saw with the lenses out. They looked so funny on her!

Daddy and Logan watching some sort of sporting event on TV after church. I love these sweet moments! (April 11)
All the kids in bed with Dad in the morning. I was up with Avery and just decided I should get a picture. I am usually there with Avery, too. It is fun to have a picture of these moments - They are some of my favorite with all of us just cuddling in the bed. We are starting to get pretty crowded in there, but I love it! (April 14)
Avery is sitting up now and trying to reach for things and growing so fast! (April 11)
Rylee cuddled up with Logan's Beckham doll. I love that she is such a little mommy and has him all swaddled up. (April 12)
In April, we also took a quick trip to Vegas. Our first vacation since we had Avery! We had a great time visiting friends and took a quick trip down to the Bellagio! ( April 17)
I tried to get a picture of this before it started to rain and washed it away, but I didn't. Logan and Rylee were playing outside and Rylee used the sidewalk chalk to draw on the car and the house. Logan then wrote this on the sidewalk. It said: "Dads Gona be mad" (April 21)
Because we are true blue Aggie fans, we wnet to Aggie Spring Training. Logan was SOOO happy to see the Aggies in action! (April 24)
Rylee was a little grouchy and didn't really want to be there....
Avery looking so cute and clapping for the Aggies!
Afterwards, we got to go on the field and Logan got a few autographs. He mostly wanted to just run around and tackle random strangers on the football field, but we made him meet a few football players, too. Here he is getting Diodre Burrel's autograph, the QB.
This is the Aggie's best player, Robert Turbin and Logan.
Logan in the end zone - Hopefully they make it there a few times this season.... Go Aggies!
Avery is 7 months old!!! How did that happen??? (April 25)

We also spent a good part of April (and some of May) at soccer games. We had 4 a week, plus Logan had practice! It got a little crazy for awhile!

1 comment:

Jami said...

I love the pictures with the players, so cute. Your kids are so big. We sure miss you guys. We are doing good. We move to farmington the end of Nov. It will be nice to be done.