Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Avery's New Game

Avery has discovered a fun new game and it is keeping me quite entertained! For the last week or so, I have been noticing that when she stands up, she will sometimes let go and stand there by herself without realizing it. She could stand there for about 5 seconds or so pretty steady before falling. I guess she discovered that this is pretty fun because she has now made a game out of it. For the last few days, she will pull up to the couch, then let go and hold her hands up as if to say, "Look, Mom! No hands!" and stand for a few seconds before she falls down. She prefers to fall forward into the couch, and then she laughs because she thinks that is so funny. Sometimes she does fall on her bum, but she has pretty good balance now, so she will kind of lower herself as she falls, so she doesn't fall too hard, and she laughs when she does that and gets right back up and does it again. It is so cute and she will do it over and over! It is so funny to see what they discover! (I took a cute video of her doing it, but chances are I will never get around to uploading it, so you will just have to take my word for it!)

1 comment:

Doug and Dawn said...

I love your family pictures! They turned out so cute. You have a beautiful family. I really like your hair too. Glad to hear your doing well.