Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dino Museum

May 27 - In May, we decided to take the kids to the Dino Museum at Thanksgiving Point as a fun surprise. We had been spending so much time working in the yard that we felt it was time to do something fun as a family. So, one day after Darren got home from one of his early days at work, we loaded all the kids in the car and started driving, but didn't tell them where we were going. They love surprises and had a hard time figuring out what we were doing, especially when we drove by both Grandma's houses. Rylee fell asleep and this is how she looked at the end of our drive, just before we got there. She was a little out of it when we arrived. We got down there a little after four and had a few hours to visit the musuem before it closed.
Logan's most recent obsession is dinosaurs and it is just about all he talks about. He loves the Dinosaur Train show on PBS and knows more dinosaur facts than just about anyone I know and he is constantly correcting me about how to pronounce all the different kinds and loves to tell people about how he is going to be a paleontologist when he grows up. (He also told my friend that he only wants to be a paleontologist, not a dad because all dads do is work...) Logan was SO excited and surprised when we pulled up to the museum, but he was a little nervous about the HUGE dinosaur on the outside of the museum. We had to talk him into taking a picture there.

All 3 Kids ready to go into the museum

My cute girls
Logan was in heaven when he got inside. Look at this cute excited face! I was able to use lots of these pictures for his dinosaur birthday invitations, so this trip was perfect!

The girls and Triceratops
Still excited! I love this face!!! And even better than just dinosaurs, he now has a map AND dinosaurs! I don't think life could get much better for this boy!

Avery hanging out in the stroller. Since she spent most of our trip there in the stroller, there aren't too many pictures of her, so I had to include one.

Logan and Ry hiding out in a cave
Logan the raptor!

Avery in the stroller again

One of the kids' favorite things was playing in this water area where they could build the sand up and make dams and stuff. They also had little plastic dinos they could bury. They had so much fun! Rylee was way into it and loved burying the dinosaurs in the sand. She was getting so irritated at the boy next to her who kept messing up her careful sand piles and giving him some funny dirty looks.
Can you tell how much fun he is having?
Ry is not afraid to get dirty - She digs right in!
Logan with 2 T-Rex in the background. T-Rex is his FAVORITE dino!

Cute kids
Avery and a little dino her size
This picture didn't really turn out, but it makes me laugh anyway - This is their scared face from the T-Rex!
The girls
Ry's scared face in front of the Megalodon. Can you tell this girl is a ham???

Ry and the Megalodon - This picture cracks me up! Logan was SO funny about this one. He wouldn't walk into the room this was in - He was terrified! However, this was the only way to get out of the museum. He kept getting close, but then he would run away. Darren finally had to pick him up and carry him and Logan was crying. Kind of sad, but a little funny, too.
At the end of the museum, they got to dig for dino bones! They LOVED that!

Ry was very focused on digging for bones and really got into it.
Logan doing some digging of his own
Daddy and Avery waiting for us to be done digging
Daddy and Logan
Love the scared faces!!!
We spent about 2 hours at the museum, and then we were ready for some dinner. We called Darren's brother, Matt, and his family who live near there and they were able to meet up with us and go to dinner at Texas Roadhouse - Yum!. We don't get to see them that often, except at big family functions, so it was really fun to go to dinner with just their family and hang out. Their girls were so cute with our kids and we had a lot of fun!

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