Friday, August 6, 2010

Peas in a Pod

What is better than one cute baby??? TWO!!! My sister and I both take our babies for pictures way too often and we happened to take them both at the same time. I was down visiting my mom and decided to take Avery for her 8 month pictures, and Heather decided to do Ethan's 9 month ones while we were there. Since we were both there, we decided it might be fun to get a cute cousin picture in diapers while we still can. My mom ran through the store and found a fun tie and necklace for them to wear, which we later returned, and the pictures turned out super cute! I think these two are going to be such cute little buddies! They are only 3 1/2 weeks apart and they could pass for twins!
We had this one made for my mom. She is so lucky to have such adorable grandbabies!!! (and such fabulous daughters....)

1 comment:

Karmann said...

Very cute! Wow can't believe she is eight months now! Time is flying by! You have such beautiful children. Such a lucky mommy!