Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pearly Whites

Avery now has THREE teeth! Teeth are big news at our house! She has been sleeping terribly for quite awhile and a little grumpy for her. I'm glad to know that it is the teeth that have been causing this and not just a grumpy personality - at least I am hoping that is what it is!
Her first tooth poked through while we were on vacation and I noticed it at Sea World (July 23rd). It is her bottom right front tooth. Since then, I thought she would be getting more soon and have been watching for another one to pop up. Only, I have mostly just been watching for the other bottom one. On Saturday (Aug 14), I noticed she did have a new tooth, but it wasn't the bottom one. Instead it was on top, but not even a front one, which is the way teeth usually come in. Instead, it is the left upper one next to the front teeth. (I should really know the name for that in this family, but I don't....) Today (Aug 17), another one popped through. It is her right top front tooth. So, her teeth are coming in a little crazy and not really in the order they teach in dental school, which might be a worry to her daddy. The other 2 on top are right beneath the gums so you can kind of see them and will be through any day. I'm not sure what is going on on the bottom. For now, she looks like she might make one cute little Jack-O-Latern for halloween with her funny spaces little teeth and gaps in between! UPDATE: This morning, (Aug 18), Avery has another new tooth, bringing her total to FOUR. It is on the top, on the right of the front tooth she already has. So now, she has 3 teeth on top, but a gap in between 2 of them. Kind of funny!

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