Monday, August 23, 2010

Baby Steps...

Avery has been up to more new things lately. I can't keep up with her!!! She started climbing stairs a week or two ago, but this last week, she climbed ALL the stairs and she did it so fast I didn't even know where she went. She LOVES doing it and has become quite the showoff and does it all day long! I will be doing something and realize I don't know where Avery is, and then find her at the top of the stairs, waiting for me with a big smile, looking like she wants to say "Look what I can do". She looks so proud of herself and she knows she is in trouble! I wouldn't care, but I worried she is going to fall. She usually climbs up there to go to the toy room, which she loves, or to find her brother and sister. So far, there has only been one small fall down 2 stairs, but her other new trick is to stand up at the top of the stairs once she is done climbing them and that makes me REALLY nervous!

Avery is also starting to stand up all by herself. She can do it for about 10 or 15 seconds at a time before she either falls or gives up and sits down because she wants to go. She has really good balance and is even really close to just standing herself up without pulling up to something.

And for the really troubling news....Avery has started taking steps! I left the kids with my mom this week to go to dinner with my friends from high school (Aug 18) and my mom told me that Avery took 2 steps to my dad. I wasn't sure I believed this, but she has been repeating the feat here and there, doing 1 or 2 and even THREE steps between Darren and I now and then. Her problem is that her upper body goes much faster than her lower body, so she will take a step or 2 and then topple forward because she gets off balance. I think she will run instead of walk if her legs ever catch up with the top half of her! She thinks the falling forward and having us catch her is hilarious and wants to do it over and over. Even if she doesn't take a step, she still likes to stand and then fall forward to us. It is like another new little game she wants to do over and over again. She is a funny girl! She laughs at herself all the time. I think we will have a little toddler on our hands much sooner than I am ready for.
She is also starting to communicate really well. She is doing lots of signs - In the high chair, she is VERY good at telling me when she is "finished" by shaking her little hands at me - That is her favorite sign. She also does "more" by clapping her hands together. Her other favorite sign is "milk" She does it with both hands and she doesn't just do it when she wants to nurse - she does it anytime she wants me. So, my daughter now calls me by looking like she wants to milk a cow with both hands.... I'm not sure how I feel about that....

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