Sunday, August 8, 2010

Family Pictures

I'm not sure how I haven't posted these yet! I have had them for over a month and have been so excited to get them posted, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I still have a million other things to post, but I can't wait to post these anymore...
We finally got around to having family pictures taken in June and I love how they turned out! The photographer I have found is so great to work with and my kids love her and have so much fun when she does our pictures and I love the way they turn out. There is always SO much stress that goes into pictures and finding matching clothes and a million little things, and I decided to get my nails done and was making hair things up until the last second, but when I saw these, it was worth all the stress! I love them! The only thing I wish is that there were a few more. Now to get them hung up on my wall....Another project!!! Here is our family - I think we're pretty cute....
Some of just the kids. I know I am biased, but aren't they stinkin' cute???
A few of Mom and Dad. I usually hate having these ones done, but I was pretty happy with them this time. I really like this first one.
These ones of my handsome boys have to be some of my favorites EVER! I love these two and what cute buddies they are and I love how well Katie captured it for us. I especially like Logan's cute curled toes in the first one.
The Girlies
And a few of each of my sweet babies. These are Avery's 9 month pictures. This close-up melts my heart a little....

Then there is this little miss.... Oh, how I love my Ry! She is getting SO grown up!!! And those eyes!!! I love, love, love them!

My handsome Mr. Logan, who is going to SCHOOL soon and is FIVE years old!!! I am still in shock over that!
Oh yeah...and THIS baby, too. Darren needs head shots for work stuff sometimes, so we had one done. Isn't he looking hot??? I am one lucky lady!!! No single pictures for me.
Yeah for cute, new family pictures! And Yeah for having them done!!! And Yeah for finally posting them!!!


Jessie said...

Hey, Brooke! I'm Jessie, one of Darren's friends growing up and at USU, and I blogstalk you. :) You have THE cutest family! I just wanted to say they are all adorable, and these pictures are amazing! I love looking at your always do such fun stuff with your kids and do so well at documenting it.

Thanks for letting me peek at your life and keep up with Darren's cute family! Take care!

Erica said...

Great pics! Those are seriously cute of your entire family. You guys have such photogenic kids! I can't even snap a picture of my kids and have it turn out, let alone family pics! It was great to see you when you came through! Thanks for stopping. Hopefully it won't be another 2 years before we see you again!

Jenn said...

These pictures are so cute!!! of all of you. I longed to do something like that but don't know if i will.