Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Preschool Graduate

Since Logan is about to enter KINDERGARTEN, I figured I should post his end of preschool pictures. This is how my baby started the year: (Aug 2009)

And here he is at the end of the year - (May 20, 2010)

I don't know if he looks that much different, but he sure has changed and learned a lot since starting Pre-school. When Logan started preschool, he was reading a few words here and there, like Cat or Bat. Now, he is reading EVERYTHING in sight! I can't even keep up with him! He is a little smartie pants. He learned lots of fun songs that he loves to sing and knows even more shapes than when he started school, thanks to Mrs Nicole's fun shape song. He can write all of his letters and is great at writing his name the "Kindergarten way" with a capital first letter and the rest lower case. He practiced all year and is doing so much better than the first of the year, but still sometimes gets a letter of 2 backwards. He really doesn't like writing, so this has been a struggle at times, but he keeps improving little by little. He made so many friends at school and loved going to school twice a week. He can count to 100 and can even count by 5s and 10s. He knows all his numbers and can write most of them, too. He loved doing Show and Tell and gained a lot of confidence this last year. At first, he was so nervous about those things, but at the end, he was always excited to do it.
BIG Logan on his last day of Preschool!
Since I had taken a picture of Logan and Rylee on the first day of school, I wanted one on the last day to compare. We had to take it inside though because it was raining!
And now that we have Avery, I wanted to include her! Crazy to think she wasn't around when Logan started Pre-school.
At his Preschool for the last time :(
Since we took one of these to start the year, we had to end with one, too. I'm a cheesy mom, I know... Logan's cute preschool class! They didn't have a graduation, but they were supposed to have a fun picnic at the park for their last day, but they had to move it indoors because it was freezing and raining! Logan was really sad about this, but they had so much fun anyway. He was so excited to eat lunch at school.
This is the card Logan made for his teacher. It says Thank You at the top and then it is a picture of him and at the bottom, I told him to write his favorite thing about preschool and he wrote "Show and Tail" without any help from me! Funny the way they spell things!
Inside, he wrote his name a few times. The G is backwards and he did a capital A, but it is a big improvement over when he started the year. Logan HATES writing so to get him to do it is hard work and he is getting better and better at it.
Logan's name
We got his teacher this cute box of CakeBalls that my neighbor makes. They are AMAZING!!! Logan was a little upset we didn't have a box for ourselves, but he was excited to give it to his teacher since it had an apple, and if you remember back to the first day of school, Logan had to take an apple to his teacher. Such a funny kid!
Logan and his teacher Mrs. Nicole. He loved going to preschool because she was so wonderful with him! She truly loved the kids and she helped Logan really grow this year, especially with his reading. She helped him keep progressing and did different things for him to help him stay challenged. She recognized his reading abilities early on and helped me find things to help him keep on reading and learning. Logan adored her! She also put together a bunch of their photos from the year, which is so great, since I am not great about finding the time to scrapbook anymore. I am so grateful he had such a good experience and that he loves school and learning so much! Way to go buddy!!! I don't know what I am going to do about the upcoming Kindergarten year.... What will I do without him every day? My baby is growing up much too quickly!!!

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