Sunday, March 11, 2012

Uncle Jeff's Farewell

Dec 18, 2011 - After our fun family Christmas party with the Webber's, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Boman's for a sleepover. The next morning was Uncle Jeff's missionary talk in church. He did a great job! I think we were all very impressed with how well prepared he was! The chapel was packed with so many friends and family who were there to hear him and give their support. He spoke on the Atonement and the spirit was really strong and we know he is ready to serve the Lord! Afterwards, there was a luncheon at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was a houseful of friends, family and good food. The basement was filled with Jeff's friends! Uncle Jeff and Avery - Avery is very shy around a lot of people but she LOVES her Uncle Jeff. I think he is one of her very favorite people! It is hard to see him leave and know that she will be FOUR when he comes home.
I couldn't find where Logan had gone to, and I found him sitting at a table with lots of Jeff's friends and they were all listening to him and laughing. They told me they thought he was smarter than all of them. They loved him and I guess he provided some good entertainment. He was loving being the center of attention!
Uncle Brad trying to look cool
Some of Jeff's good buddies
There was lots of yummy food - Avery liked the chocolate cupcakes!I love her chocolate face!
Cute Ethan wanted his picture taken too!
This is Jeff's best friend Aaron - My kids call him Uncle Aaron because he is over at Grandma and Grandpa's house so often. He is a good friend to Jeff and the kids love him, too. He has the funniest laugh I have ever heard! We all love to make him laugh just to hear it and then none of us can stop.
Some of the family hanging out upstairsThe kids had Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura reading them lots of books! They love their aunts and uncles!
Our cousins - The Hillstroms
Some more of the family hanging out after the crazy crowd had died out.
Jeff and some more of his homiesAvery talking with Uncle Dean.
The kids with Uncle Jeff - They will miss him so much when he is gone!!!

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