Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Yeah!!! Now for Christmas morning! I LOVE this day SO much! It is so much fun to watch the kids and how excited they are over every little thing. At least most of the time. There are sometimes a few disappointments, but I think Santa did a good job at our house this year! I know Santa spends a lot of time making sure Christmas is JUST right, so we make sure and take LOTS of time to enjoy everything. It drags on for most of the morning and that is how I like it! We spent a long time opening presents and everyone takes turns so the kids get to see what everyone else gets, too. We started this year's Christmas opening around 6:30 am which is a record early time for us. I think as the kids get older, it will probably keep getting earlier each year. Logan was the first one in our room, but we made him wait a little bit to wake up his sisters because we didn't want everyone to be grouchy. It didn't last too long though.
Santa came! And left lots of fun stuff!!! I tortured them with a few pj pictures before they could go look at what Santa left. Who wants to open presents??? Logan holding the girls back - He wanted to be the first one in!
We started off by opening stockings

I realize there are about a million pictures, but I love them all and they all help me remember something from our day. They are not always the greatest pictures, but they capture something and I hate how fast my kids are growing up! So, feel free to skip over them.... And actually, Darren took over the camera this year which means there are far less than there would have been if I would have had it...

I love my Logan! He gets SO excited over EVERYTHING! He loves life and he loves Christmas! He thought this Darth Vader Lego Star wars pen was the coolest thing!
All Avery wanted was her candy! Especially if it was a sucker. I think she had candy in her mouth most of the day. Maybe even most of the next week. That is what Christmas is all about, right?
Rylee emptying her stocking. That polka dot thing is a little portable chalk board that rolls up. She had no idea what it was. Can you tell? Avery loved her Mickey book! And I LOVE that hair! She wakes up with the craziest hair ever! Rylee with her stocking loot. She is so funny about the way she opens things. She has to have them organized and just so. This sparkly, fancy scarf was one of her favorites. She loves accessories! The kids got these funny splat balls in their stockings and they loved them! When you threw them, they would go completely flat and then slowly go back to a ball shape again. They were filled with water or some kind of liquid so they were really squishy. There were lots of tears when these popped! One was later that day and I think one was a couple days later.... Avery and MORE candy!
Avery discovered her pile of presents! I think she would have been fine with just the stocking, but she got really excited when she noticed this. Especially when she saw the Elmo wrapping!
Avery and her stack of Sesame Street presents - Santa wraps everything in the same paper for each kid so that they each know which are theirs and they don't need labels! Rylee and her stack of Hello Kitty presents.
Logan and his Cars stack of presentsAvery got to start off the present opening. We always let the youngest go first. I loved that the other kids were so into what she got and helping her. A new Elmo book! She makes mom and dad read her the same 2 Elmo books EVERY night for bedtime so we will be happy to work a new book into the rotation. She loved it!
Rylee's turn...
She doesn't look too pleased with her Belle's magical world movie. I think she thought it was the original Beauty and the Beast, which we already have. Logan got a Super Battle Droid which he had been eying at the store for MONTHS!
More opening presents.... I just love the faces this girl makes!
Wheels on the Bus book. This was one of her FAVORITE presents! We read this book SO many times over the next couple weeks.
Rylee looking much more excited. The funny thing was she was excited over clothes! I love this girl!!!
Avery looking so cute
Avery got some sesame street Abby and Zoey little figures and she loved them. She was playing with them so cute on the couch. I was sad that she noticed us watching her. I think she could have gone on playing all day!

Trying to steal Mom's candy...
Logan loves his new Dino-Pedia! His favorite kind of books are encyclopedia style books. He is so funny and will just go and sit and read them for a long time and we won't hear much from him. Unless he wants to share an interesting fact with us, which he does quite often.
More opening.... Avery was really into it this year!
Rylee got this Nickolodeon dance game for the Kinect. It is really cute and the girls love it!
Logan with another book - This one was an encyclopedia for the cars movies and tells about all the characters. Logan is a sponge and remembers just about all the info he reads and can tell us so much about the cars. He is really into the types of cars they are and how fast they go and how much they cost. Every time it wasn't his turn for presents, he opened back up his book.
More sesame figures for Avery
Another face!
Rylee got this cute Tinkerbell book that came with all the fairy figures! She loved it!
The Cars Lego set Logan asked for! He was so happy about getting this!!! Notice also the new Lego Star Wars robe. He put it on immediately after he opened it and left it on for quite awhile that morning. He loved it!
Rylee spreading out her Tinkerbell map so she can set up all her figures
Avery with another new Elmo book
Santa usually tries to leave the big stuff for the bottom of the stack, but Rylee somehow found her big present a little early - An Easy Bake oven! I can't tell you how excited she was to get this! And how excited Daddy was to help her with it.
Rylee and her Easy Bake
Logan got some new cars - Holly Shiftwell and two of the race cars! He was excited. If you can't tell...
Avery going to work on another present. I loved how she had to have EVERY scrap of paper off and the way she would throw it to the side.
Back to his book...
Rylee and her Princess Squinkies. She got Ariel AND Belle. She was pretty excited about these! I have no idea why these things are cool, but she loves them. She really likes anything miniature so these are perfect for her.
Disneyland for the Kinect!!! This was a great surprise for Logan! When he had to narrow down his list this year, he decided to leave this game off because he told me that he knew that I would ask for it and then he could get something else. Pretty smart! Santa came through anyway and he was so excited! We spent MANY hours over Christmas break playing this game. It is so fun!
Avery got an Abby doll!!! Ry and her Princess Squinkie Dispenser
She was a little confused why the box for her Leapster was purple when she asked for a pink one, but we got it figured out. She loves her new Leapster and plays it every time we drive to visit Grandma.
Rylee setting up her Squinkies. She is always lining things up and organizing.
Logan and his BIG present - A General Grievous Lego set. He can tell you exactly how many pieces are in it, too. (Along with almost every Star Wars Lego set ever made!)
When he opened this present he said, "YES! The Lego set of my dreams!" Logan and his 2 new Lego sets. Can you say heaven??? He was SO happy!
Avery on her cute little Cinderella phone - She loved it! She was also so funny about her new pink hoodie. She had to put it on as soon as she opened it. Then she HAD to have it zipped and the hood up and she walked around with her hands in her pockets and loved to put her phone there for a lot of the morning. She cracks me up!
Done with Round 1 of presents. We finished all the ones from Santa and took a break. Here is Avery with her stuff before we went to have some breakfast. She got some clothes, Winnie the Pooh movie, Dr Seuss movie, a couple of books, a box of candy (since she specifically asked Santa for Candy MANY times!) some sesame street figures, an Abby Cadabby doll, a sit and spin and a baby doll nursery that is so cute and she has LOVED playing with!
Hugs for her new Abby!
Rylee and her loot - She got a Cat in the Hat movie, the new Beauty and the beast movie, a Fancy Nancy book, a Tinkerbell book, clothes, a Squinkie dispenser and Ariel and Belle Squinkies, a Nickolodeon dance game for Kinect, a Pink Leapster and a Princess and a Tangled game for the Leapster and a Easy bake and some baking sets. (Rylee loved arranging her presents for the picture...)Logan and his stuff - some clothes, Dr Seuss movie, Star Wars Lego Padawan Menace movie, a couple Star Wars model ships, a Cars book, a Dino book, cars figures, star wars figures, star wars bobbleheads (Darth Vader and Yoda), a cars lego set, Kinect sports season 2, Kinect Disneyland game, General Grievous Lego set
Before we ate breakfast, we took a couple quick family pictures in our PJs.
I love these cute kids!!!
Next, we opened presents from under the tree. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is taking the kids shopping for each other. We also went and picked out things for Sub for Santa, too. They each had to do chores during the month to earn money to go shopping with. They love picking things out for each other and it was fun to see them at the store trying to figure out their little budget and what they could afford for everyone. I think it was really good for them. They couldn't wait to give each other their presents. Rylee is the worst at keeping secrets, so I'm not sure if it was a surprise for Avery or Logan.
Rylee got Logan a special Holly Shiftwell car with wings! He loved it! And she was so proud of herself!
Rylee got Avery a little stuffed Ernie.
Hugs for Logan - He got Rylee a Zoobles and gum and Avery a Little Pony. Avery gave Logan some Star Wars figures and I don't remember what she gave Rylee...
This was Rylee's BIG present from Mom and Dad.
She loved it! A Rapunzel doll and dressup dress! She also got a Princess game and a Tangled purse and some art stuff and a few other things.
I don't know what happened to Avery's clothes at this point.... She LOVED her little baby doll that Mom and Dad gave her that had diapers to change. She also got a Sesame Street Lucky Ducks game and a little diaper bag full of stuff for her baby and a Rapunzel purse and a Rapunzel dress. Logan got an Angry Birds game and a book and some clothes. Mommy and her presents - I got some new clothes and some really cute maternity jeans and a tool that lets you make DVDs from VHS tapes and camcorders so that I can make some home movies. We kept it pretty simple - Our present this year was mostly our new couch! (Which took 9 years to purchase!)Daddy got some David Beckham cologne, a new Xbox game (he got NBA 2k12, but he decided he wanted the new Fifa game instead) and a Xbox live membership, Modern Family seasons 1 and 2 and a couple other movies (Sherlock Holmes and XMen) and a scanner so he can scan all his mission negatives and photos.
We finally finished opening presents around 10 am and it was time to play! (And time for Mom and Dad to open and assemble....) Avery LOVED trying out her Sit and Spin! Rylee lining up again. She played these for quite awhile. She plays so good on her own. I love how she organizes everything!
Logan and Daddy assembling his Cars Lego set. It came with Finn McMissle and the Professor and the big ship from the beginning of the movie. He really wanted to assemble his Starfighter, but we had church later and didn't think we could get it finished, so we started small.
The part of the Star Wars set Logan was most excited for was his General Grievous mini figure. So, we let him assemble that part.
Logan's little General Grievous. I guess this is so cool because it has lots of arms and a few different lightsabers.

Avery somehow went and crashed in the middle of all the playing! And she has another hoodie on. I have no idea how you sleep this way.
We had 1:00 church, so we had to head there in the early afternoon. We knew it was coming al day, but we had a hard time pulling ourselves away from all the fun to get ready and we were totally late! I had to take a few pictures of the kids in their cute Christmas outfits.
I know that is a lot of Avery, but her facial expressions are just so funny to me! She wanted to take her baby and phone to church. It was pretty hard to get her to leave these home. Logan only let me get one good picture of him...

Logan and Daddy
Rylee, Mommy and Avery
When we got home from church, it was a bit of a mad rush to get dinner on. Grandma and Grandpa Webber got there pretty soon after we got back from church, so there were more presents to open. Rylee got a Princess Art set. Logan got a Harry Potter Lego set - It was a Hogwarts castle and he was SO excited! Avery got a couple dolls from Grandma and Grandpa Webber. Daddy also got her little baby nursery built and she was loving it! She was giving baths and feeding babies and changing diapers over and over. It was perfect for her!
Grandpa Webber was the designated babysitter....
Our Christmas dinner. Our daddy made us a lot of yummy stuff! We had a Brown Sugar and Balsamic Pork Loin with Roasted veggies and Garlic Parmesan rolls and a delicious green salad and garlic mashed potatoes. Mom also made a Triple Chocolate Peppermint trifle - It had layers of White Chocolate Peppermint mousse, chocolate pudding and hot fudge and brownies. YUMMM!!! We kind of misunderstood when Grandma and Grandpa were coming, so it was a bit of a rush to get dinner on before they had to leave. Daddy said he felt like he was on the cooking show Iron Chef America. I think he really liked it!
Rylee spreading out her art stuff. She loves to color and paint and it came with tons of stickers and stamps. So perfect!
Around 5, the Boman side of the family came. Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Jeff, Uncle Brad, Uncle Kyle and also both Great-Grandmas. We had a little more dinner and dessert and opened a few more presents. Great-Grandma Mary always brings a stocking for all of us. The kids loved all their stuff. Especially their $2 bills! Avery chilling with Uncle Jeff and her stocking
Great-Grandma Mary also brought each of the kids a toy and a sweater. They are a little spoiled!
Great-Grandma Pauline brought each of the kids a stuffed animal. Rylee loved her sheep - It was so soft! Avery got a bear and Logan got a dog.
After we finished with gifts, there were lots of eating and lots of Kinect playing! Logan was wearing his new sweats and then I looked over and he had no shirt on. He was playing so much Kinect that he was sweating really bad and his poor face was so red. He ended up changing to a shirt and shorts. They mostly played the new Disneyland game and they were having SO much fun! My favorite part was watching them sword fight Peter Pan. I also loved that Logan jumped the ENTIRE time! Sometimes it would really mess up his game because it would make the character jump and hit something, but he just couldn't stop!
Avery and Grandpa - She can get him to do pretty much anything and she knows it!
This is what happens to Grandpa after 6 o'clock
Avery showing Great-Grandma her Cinderella phone
Rylee got this new journal that was shiny pink with a Big R on the front and she couldn't wait to get writing in it. She wrote a little entry about Christmas and drew a tree. It was so cute! She LOVES to write right now and I spend half of my day spelling the words for her that she wants to write.

Whew! What a day! It was like a marathon, but a good one! We had such a fun day and I loved watching the kids have such a magical day. The best part is that we got to pretty much stay home and hang out in our PJs and play with our toys for the whole next week!

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