Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Christmas Crafts

Dec 7 - For a few of our countdown activities, we did some crafts. The kids love making projects - especially for the holidays. Our first project was this little foam gingerbread house. The kids loved it! Rylee especially liked lining up all the little tiles for the roof. She is all about this kind of stuff! Our finished house. I get a little crazy when we do these. I should just let the kids do it however they want, but I always have an obsessive need to do it just like the picture on the box and with as little mess as possible. I am trying to get better at that!

Dec 11th - Once the fundraiser I helped with was over, I felt like I could do all the fun Christmas things I had been neglecting and catch up on some things with the kids. We made our gingerbread house the next night since it was Sunday and our Daddy was home to help. We had so much fun! It is so fun to see the kids different personalities in decorating - Logan can't just wait to get everything on and be done, Rylee wanted everything just so and was very meticulous and Avery would mostly just sneak candy...My cute little decorators
Avery eating the candy - We bought one of those kits that comes with all the candy to decorate with and the candy is all pretty hard and gross, but that didn't stop her!
Hard at work decorating the roof
Rylee wanted them all in a line and all just so! Can you tell which parts Logan did and which parts were Rylee's? So funny how different kids are!
Daddy got silly and gave Logan a frosting mustache! Logan thought it was hilarious! Especially when he saw himself in the bathroom mirror.
Miss A
Log Bog
Trying to get a picture and the girls are fighting...
A little better
I love this face!!!
Our finished house! Not quite like the one on the box, but we had a great time making it!
Notice the many lines of candy.... That would be Rylee's work!

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