Thursday, March 22, 2012

Starting to Potty

Dec 31st - So, our little Avery has started using the potty! I am a little nervous that this is too early to really stick, but we will see. She has started doing this all on her own and she isn't even 2 1/2 yet. I really haven't encouraged it because it seems so young. At least at our house. Logan was 3 1/2 and Rylee was 4! The only problem with her going potty is that she is so independent! She just goes, which is great, but she doesn't tell me. She will go in and take off her diaper and go and then just put her pants back on and go back to playing. This becomes a problem when the diaper is dirty before she goes, or if she goes #2 and leaves a mess which has happened a couple times. Or if I don't realize she isn't wearing a diaper and then an accident happens later. But, if she is willing to go I'm not going to stop her!
I'm sure there will be many potty updates to come! We'll see how long this takes....

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