Monday, March 5, 2012

First Gift of Christmas

Dec 1 - This year to start something fun, we made a countdown chain to Christmas. It wasn't just a countdown though. Each day had a special activity to do - sometimes it was a service project, sometimes it was something fun, sometimes it was something to help keep us focused on the real meaning of Christmas. A lot of them were things we do anyway, like read Christmas books or watch movies or go look at lights. We had a lot of fun with it. There were a few days when our project or activity didn't really get done... For instance, there was never any snow, so the build a snowman one wasn't happening! And for awhile we I was working on my fundraiser so much that a few of the items got overlooked. I wish I would have kept a better list of what we did do. We had a lot of fun doing it and I am excited to do it again next year! The kids loved picking off the chain and reading what we were going to do that day.

The first day on the chain was to open the first gift of Christmas! The kids were SO excited to get to open a present so early! The reason we did this is because when we were in Disneyland, we found a Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar and I knew Logan would LOVE it! But, I didn't want to have him have to wait until Christmas. So, we gave it to him early and gave the girls something small to open, too. We explained to Logan that he wouldn't get as much from Mom and Dad for Christmas since his BIG gift was this one, but he was fine with that. Especially once he opened it!
Logan and his giftHe was SO excited when he saw what it was! My kids LOVE those chocolate advent calendars you can buy at Christmas to count down, but he thought this was SO much better! He came home from school every day and got his chores done so fast so he could open that day's box. It was great!
Rylee got a new Princess bookAvery opening her present
Avery got a cute new Christmas book about gingerbread men.

YEAH!!! I LOVE December! And I LOVE Christmas and the big countdown! I think I am worse than my kids. There are so many fun things to do and so much time with the family. It is my favorite month of the year!

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