Friday, March 23, 2012

Christmas Break

The week after Christmas was fabulous at our house! We really had no plans and no where we needed to go, so we pretty much hung out in our Pjs and played with our new Christmas toys and spent time together as a family. Daddy did have to work a couple of days, but not for too long, so we had plenty of time to have fun. Uncle Curt, Aunt Carla and Raegan and Cameron came and visited us the day after Christmas and we had fun going to lunch with them and playing some Kinect and just visiting. We wish they didn't live so far away! Other than that, it was LOTS of playing!!! And.... don't mind that we are never really dressed or have our hair done.
Logan's first item of the day the day after Christmas was assembling his gigantic Star Wars lego set. I think this took about 2 hours! Good thing he has a patient daddy! All finished! I hope it was still the Lego set of his dreams after all that work to get it built! Sadly, a couple days later, Avery knocked it off the counter and broke it into about 500 pieces and it took a couple weeks for Daddy to get around to rebuilding it. We probably should have just super glued all the pieces so we don't have to deal with the drama when it gets broken.
While the boys were building legos, my girls were playing the Disneyland Kinect game. They discovered that there was a fun Princess dancing game and were loving it. I thought they were so cute in their matching dress ups.
That night (Dec 26), we broke out Rylee's Easy Bake. She was DYING to use it, but we had been pretty busy with company on Christmas night and the day after during the day. So she made us all a little dessert. Emphasis on the word LITTLE! Have you seen the size of these Easy Bake treats? It is crazy! But, Rylee (and Daddy) were loving it!
Yep...that tiny little silver thing is a CUPCAKE pan! The tiniest cupcakes you will ever see.
Some teeny tiny red velvet cupcakes. She was so proud!
The next day it was time to tackle another Lego set. This time it was the Harry Potter castle that Logan got from Grandma and Grandpa Webber. Mom helped Logan with this one and it was quite fun. It took about an hour or so. These sets are pretty intense! He was pretty happy with it when it was finished. He is not always so patient with the building process.
More Kinect.... We got 4 new games. Sports Season 2, Disneyland, Nickelodeon Dance and a really cute Elmo one. The kids loved trying them all out and it is funny to watch them play it.
Striking a pose! Flying like Peter Pan
Avery was more than happy to haul around her bag full of candy! Somehow she pretty much finished the whole thing in about a week. I am pretty sure Logan and Rylee still have quite a stash that will end up in the garbage because they are not quite the candy eaters that Avery is. She is so funny about her candy! Besides her candy, she was also loving her new little baby nursery and taking care of all of her babies!
A sucker.... Her favorite! Rylee set up this fun tea party for everyone in the toy room. It was very cute!
We got the kids a couple family gifts from Mom and Dad. One of them was a huge bucket of Duplo legos, so one of our break days we decided to build a Lego city. It wasn't a specific set - just Legos, which I loved because then they could build whatever they wanted instead of just what was on the box. We made a store, a fire station, a couple houses, a sky scraper, a zoo and I can't remember what else. It was a lot of fun to see them work together and use their imaginations!
One of the other family gifts we got was this fun playhouse that the kids could color. We have had a big box that we got when we bought our playground in the playroom for the last year or two and it has been the kids' favorite place to play. But, it wasn't very cute and it was getting hammered after so much use, so we decided to replace it with this and they loved it! Avery loves to play inside and Rylee was loving coloring it and has been doing a great job!
Peeking out the windows!

After all the fun, it was time for the hard part of Christmas....Reorganizing to make room for all the new stuff!!! We had such a great time spending time together and playing! I love the holidays!

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